If you have ultimate I’m pretty sure it’s on EA Play
Yeah i got ea play since it was 99 cent for a month
Damn both survivor and the first game are bundled together on PSN for 20 bucks. I never played the 2nd game and never beat the 1st. Idk might cop
Got so frustrated with Fallen Order's s***ty map and clunky movement, I just uninstalled it Not willing to waste my limited time on subpar games
Got so frustrated with Fallen Order's s***ty map and clunky movement, I just uninstalled it Not willing to waste my limited time on subpar games
Same. The first game being a clunkfest is keeping me away from Jedi survivor, despite most saying it’s a massive upgrade in every way. Still kinda on the fence with it being so cheap rn
Same. The first game being a clunkfest is keeping me away from Jedi survivor, despite most saying it’s a massive upgrade in every way. Still kinda on the fence with it being so cheap rn
Worth the money man
The story is one of the best in Star Wars period imo (not the highest bar to cross)
Worth the money man
The story is one of the best in Star Wars period imo (not the highest bar to cross)
$20 for both games, eh wtf I’ll do it. Im a sucker for a decent Star Wars story. Not even big on the movies lol, I just love the games for some reason
$20 for both games, eh wtf I’ll do it. Im a sucker for a decent Star Wars story. Not even big on the movies lol, I just love the games for some reason
Cal’s story is great if you really don’t like the first play it on easy blow through it and get to Survivor it’s a large upgrade in every way
Cal’s story is great if you really don’t like the first play it on easy blow through it and get to Survivor it’s a large upgrade in every way
Fallen order is better than survivor and I’ll die on this hill
Worth the money man
The story is one of the best in Star Wars period imo (not the highest bar to cross)
This is just not true
Fallen order is better than survivor and I’ll die on this hill
Story or just in general as a whole you liked it more?
This is just not true
My opinion nigga damn
I ain’t say you had to agree
Story or just in general as a whole you liked it more?
Everything outside of the gameplay is better in fallen order. Better story, better planets and a great villain. Survivor has great gameplay in comparison but the story is not great, the planets are bland and the new villains are waaaaack
Everything outside of the gameplay is better in fallen order. Better story, better planets and a great villain. Survivor has great gameplay in comparison but the story is not great, the planets are bland and the new villains are waaaaack
The Bode twist wasn’t super shocking but the execution of that whole segment was prob my fav part of the game. It just felt *epic* they captured the scale of that part well for me. As a villain he wasn’t crazy compelling but his motivation was there and I liked the story having an overall dark tone for Star Wars which is rare. It really didn’t have a happy ending.
The Bode twist wasn’t super shocking but the execution of that whole segment was prob my fav part of the game. It just felt *epic* they captured the scale of that part well for me. As a villain he wasn’t crazy compelling but his motivation was there and I liked the story having an overall dark tone for Star Wars which is rare. It really didn’t have a happy ending.
They should’ve made dagan the main villain, once he was killed off the story left a terrible taste in my mouth. I did like how cal embraced his darkness though and im sure the 3rd game will be the best of the trilogy
They should’ve made dagan the main villain, once he was killed off the story left a terrible taste in my mouth. I did like how cal embraced his darkness though and im sure the 3rd game will be the best of the trilogy
Spoil that gang bro a few posts up about to buy the game lmao
Spoil that gang bro a few posts up about to buy the game lmao
How do I do that lol
How do I do that lol
Put two of these | with no space on both sides of your text
example |