Game is iight so far not too much different from fallen order, where the f*** is the blaster. I’m a single saber type of dude im not into saber staffs or dual wielding tbh
Game is iight so far not too much different from fallen order, where the f*** is the blaster. I’m a single saber type of dude im not into saber staffs or dual wielding tbh
I’m big on parrying so dual sabers are my favorite!
I’m big on parrying so dual sabers are my favorite!
Parrying feels much better with one saber imo
Game is iight so far not too much different from fallen order, where the f*** is the blaster. I’m a single saber type of dude im not into saber staffs or dual wielding tbh
nah combat way better because of the improved abilities, new perk system and blaster stance tbh
Story has better pacing too and the dialogue is well written overall
the way bd1 sits 🥺
Eh I prefer the 4k mode anyways, this is one of the best looking games out so playing it on a performance mode feels wrong
still looks great on performance imo
lovin all the lil dialogues between enemies especially the droids
Still no day one patch huh
it was day 0
already installed
i thought game sizes were supposed to get smaller lol
making game install sizes larger so that gamers focus on the game
Making game install sizes larger to make it seem like assets are higher res
There have been so many poorly optimized pc games this generation that you would think the PC is a switch
Sorry but where is this BS about performance mode being s***? I'm playing on ps5 and it looks amazing. Holds up really well
not playing on Console but it has serious shader stuttering related to the CPU on PC once you get to the Outpost on Koboh
I've hit 4fps on a RTX 3080 multiple times
the thing is 98% of the time I'm playing between 50-80, so the drop to single digits is so jarring
I have no idea how it's running on Console without playing it but it seems to be holding 30fps a lot better from videos I've seen on Youtube
sucks the performance is bad cause it’s distracting from how amazing the game is
UE4 has no direct storage, terrible DX12 support and these consoles are streaming assets off the SSD.. which PCs can't do without direct storage
as a result the CPU is doing all this extra work on PC, we need more UE5 games.. devs are too lazy to optimize for PC now that consoles don't have hard drives
UE4 has no direct storage, terrible DX12 support and these consoles are streaming assets off the SSD.. which PCs can't do without direct storage
as a result the CPU is doing all this extra work on PC, we need more UE5 games.. devs are too lazy to optimize for PC now that consoles don't have hard drives
Why is the rancor so hard
I remember when I played one of the old Star Wars games when I was a kid the rancor made me stop playing the game forever I was shook
Why is the rancor so hard
I died like 20 times and gave up. Got it to 2/3rd health like 3 times
can i do anything here lol or is it part of the quest
Edit nvm still don't know what to do about the electricty things tho
Did you figure it out? I think it’s got something to do with the electrical thing on the top right to open the chest on the bottom left