  • Dec 27, 2022
    1 reply

    Yeah you're all over the place lol. You'd rather bro was hating on revenge of the sith which is arguably one of the best Star Wars films vs Rise of skywalker which is easily one of the worse? Then you big up bro for loving TLJ. Yall are tweaked. sorry

  • Dec 27, 2022
    2 replies

    TLJs still goat tho remember that

  • Dec 27, 2022
    1 reply
    madison beer guy

    In fairness I do like ROTS the most out of the prequels for the reason I stated in that post. It's the culmination of so many things and it's really cool to see those things on screen. The music is great and the CGI does hold up much better than TPM and AOTC do, but I just can't buy its status as the GOAT Star Wars film that so many people around my age crown it as, it could be so much better than it is.

    People say that the Sequel Trilogy shrunk the Star Wars world but I genuinely feel people mean that in a literal sense and just don't like the environments created for the ST, something that I actually agree with btw. The ST introduces us to so much that can be explored in the future whether it be criminal organizations and gangs, characters that can be further followed up on, new power concepts, etc. Nobody can definitively say that the ST set Star Wars back because we have no idea what the future holds. It's super easy in hindsight to say that the other two trilogies opened doors for so much content outside of the trilogies themselves... but that's only because they've already happened. I don't know if you keep up with any Star Wars literature but there have been a few novels released in and around the time of the sequel trilogy and it's all pretty great stuff, and they barely scratch the surface of what still can be explored.

    Ignoring all the technical stuff that makes TLJ great, I just think it's the best Star Wars story that's ever been crafted. Rey discovering more about herself, Finn finding his purpose, Poe, Leia and Holdo struggling and battling for leadership within the resistance. The conflict of Kylo becoming more and more apparent. The decision to take Luke in a direction that ACTUALLY reflects the full character he's always been instead of just simplifying him down into a caricature of something he became in the last 15 minutes of Return of the Jedi. And in my opinion, the biggest win of The Last Jedi (and the ST as a whole), is it finally made the Force feel as mysterious, mystical and powerful as it always should've been.

    "Finn finding his purpose" "Rey discovering more about herself" "Poe, Leia and holdo struggling and battling for leadership with the resistance" You literally named the most uninteresting and poorly written parts of this movie lol. I like Kylo so that's one thing I can agree with you on. I always laugh when yall say that they took Luke "in a new direction" Bro they literally just rehashed his journey in Return of the Jedi. They literally brought nothing to Luke other then demolish his whole character arc from the Original Trilogy. I don't blame Rian as much for this though since he didn't have much to work with after TFA cause Disney wanted to bite the OT and do the same Rebels vs Empire bullshit again. So they had to demolish everything they accomplished in the OT. Yall gotta understand that this movie exists in a 9 movie story. You can't tell me the sequel trilogy is a good continuation to the previous 6 movie story we got

  • Dec 27, 2022
    1 reply

    Rey was written phenomenally in TLJ

  • Dec 27, 2022
    rise zero

    TLJs still goat tho remember that

  • Dec 27, 2022
    rise zero

    TLJs still goat tho remember that

    Force Skype calls>

  • Dec 28, 2022
    1 reply
    AK Fresh

    Rey was written phenomenally in TLJ

    Being the kid of 2 drunken nobodies was way cooler than the Palpatine nonsense. The message that you don't have to be a part of some special lineage to be important and make a difference >>>

    Highlighted by the Force sensitive child slave at the end picking up the broom like it was a lightsaber

  • Dec 28, 2022
    2 replies

    This was a top notch scene as well

    I related a lot to Luke in TLJ just wanting to distance yourself from everything. The guilt of what he did to Kylo was too much.

  • Dec 28, 2022
    3 replies

    "Finn finding his purpose" "Rey discovering more about herself" "Poe, Leia and holdo struggling and battling for leadership with the resistance" You literally named the most uninteresting and poorly written parts of this movie lol. I like Kylo so that's one thing I can agree with you on. I always laugh when yall say that they took Luke "in a new direction" Bro they literally just rehashed his journey in Return of the Jedi. They literally brought nothing to Luke other then demolish his whole character arc from the Original Trilogy. I don't blame Rian as much for this though since he didn't have much to work with after TFA cause Disney wanted to bite the OT and do the same Rebels vs Empire bullshit again. So they had to demolish everything they accomplished in the OT. Yall gotta understand that this movie exists in a 9 movie story. You can't tell me the sequel trilogy is a good continuation to the previous 6 movie story we got


    the biggest problem with the sequels

    they don't understand the force and are just soft reboots of the OT, instead of finishing the final chapter of the saga

    rian and jj don’t understand the force as explained by the CREATOR of star wars, the way they explain it is great if you love magic, fantasy, superheroes and marvel but not if your a fan of science fiction fantasy & lucas star wars

    jj/rian think it’s a super power but it’s actually more unique, it’s a life force that binds everything together

    the sequels go directly against the way the force works in the real lucas star wars

    it has a will and is ruled over by the whills

    the dark side is a wound in the force, balance is removing the wound and listening to the true will of the force

    balance doesn’t mean the dark side rises to meet the light like jj and rian have put in their movies

    the jedi in the prequels were politically involved and not listening to the force, they were using the dark side not the light which is why they were crushed

    there’s a scientific fantasy explanation to the force in the real lucas star wars (1-6), it isn't just simple magic

    it isn’t a power that lets you do anything when you're stressed out like jj said

    also the first order and snoke being the new empire coming out of no where makes no sense after the republic rose again and none of that is explained, which like you said is needed cause it isn't A New Hope the first part of a 9 part SAGA it's part 8 lol

    in george's sequels the first order would have been the rebels trying to over throw the new republic which would have made way more sense lol

    that was thrown away for a jumbled REMEMBER NOSTALGIC lazy rehash

    thanks jj and disney

    the prequels have issues but at least they aren’t soulless corporate zombie movies

    i think rian could have maybe made a good star wars movie but they shouldn't have given him a movie in the skywalker saga

    jj on the other hand is a talentless hack, lots of lucas haters wanted jj to have star wars and i remember right when disney bought it i was afraid jj would ruin star wars and people told me he couldn't do worse than lucas with the prequels

  • Dec 28, 2022

    i think jj setup rian for failure by making the galaxy a closed off rehash from the start, got the fans asking all these questions he knew wouldn't be worth the wait

    i think rian gets too much hate for jj being a lazy talentless hack that just focuses on stupid mystery box bullshit and rehashing the same plot

    he painted rian into a corner with episode 8

    jj & the mouse ruined star wars

  • Dec 28, 2022
    AK Fresh

    This was a top notch scene as well

    I related a lot to Luke in TLJ just wanting to distance yourself from everything. The guilt of what he did to Kylo was too much.

  • Dec 28, 2022
    1 reply
    rise zero

    Being the kid of 2 drunken nobodies was way cooler than the Palpatine nonsense. The message that you don't have to be a part of some special lineage to be important and make a difference >>>

    Highlighted by the Force sensitive child slave at the end picking up the broom like it was a lightsaber

    That's cool and all but this is the skywalker saga. Like the whole point of episode 1-6 is it's the story of the Skywalkers. George lucas described it as a family soap opera. Wtf does this add to that story? We always knew anybody could be force sensitive, look at the prequels. Anakin was literally a force sensitive child slave nobody in episode 1 lol. You see what I mean? The sequel trilogy brings nothing new to this story and actually diminishes it

  • Dec 28, 2022
    1 reply
    AK Fresh

    This was a top notch scene as well

    I related a lot to Luke in TLJ just wanting to distance yourself from everything. The guilt of what he did to Kylo was too much.

    That s*** he did to Kylo made no sense lol. Straight up character assassination and yall can't convince me otherwise

  • Dec 28, 2022
    1 reply

    That's cool and all but this is the skywalker saga. Like the whole point of episode 1-6 is it's the story of the Skywalkers. George lucas described it as a family soap opera. Wtf does this add to that story? We always knew anybody could be force sensitive, look at the prequels. Anakin was literally a force sensitive child slave nobody in episode 1 lol. You see what I mean? The sequel trilogy brings nothing new to this story and actually diminishes it

    1-6 were about the Skywalkers and the old generation. 7-9 was or (at least it was in TFA and TLJ) about passing the torch. Making Rey Palpatine's grandkid or whatever added absolutely nothing to the story.

  • Dec 28, 2022
    lil neon


    the biggest problem with the sequels

    they don't understand the force and are just soft reboots of the OT, instead of finishing the final chapter of the saga

    rian and jj don’t understand the force as explained by the CREATOR of star wars, the way they explain it is great if you love magic, fantasy, superheroes and marvel but not if your a fan of science fiction fantasy & lucas star wars

    jj/rian think it’s a super power but it’s actually more unique, it’s a life force that binds everything together

    the sequels go directly against the way the force works in the real lucas star wars

    it has a will and is ruled over by the whills

    the dark side is a wound in the force, balance is removing the wound and listening to the true will of the force

    balance doesn’t mean the dark side rises to meet the light like jj and rian have put in their movies

    the jedi in the prequels were politically involved and not listening to the force, they were using the dark side not the light which is why they were crushed

    there’s a scientific fantasy explanation to the force in the real lucas star wars (1-6), it isn't just simple magic

    it isn’t a power that lets you do anything when you're stressed out like jj said

    also the first order and snoke being the new empire coming out of no where makes no sense after the republic rose again and none of that is explained, which like you said is needed cause it isn't A New Hope the first part of a 9 part SAGA it's part 8 lol

    in george's sequels the first order would have been the rebels trying to over throw the new republic which would have made way more sense lol

    that was thrown away for a jumbled REMEMBER NOSTALGIC lazy rehash

    thanks jj and disney

    the prequels have issues but at least they aren’t soulless corporate zombie movies

    i think rian could have maybe made a good star wars movie but they shouldn't have given him a movie in the skywalker saga

    jj on the other hand is a talentless hack, lots of lucas haters wanted jj to have star wars and i remember right when disney bought it i was afraid jj would ruin star wars and people told me he couldn't do worse than lucas with the prequels

    That's what happens when you don't involve George Lucas or at least someone who knows Star Wars when making Star Wars movies lol. As you said, the sequel trilogy affectively acted as a cheap reboot of the OT

  • Dec 28, 2022
    2 replies

    That s*** he did to Kylo made no sense lol. Straight up character assassination and yall can't convince me otherwise

    All it did was remind me of how Luke almost killed his dad but stopped

  • Dec 28, 2022
    1 reply
    rise zero

    1-6 were about the Skywalkers and the old generation. 7-9 was or (at least it was in TFA and TLJ) about passing the torch. Making Rey Palpatine's grandkid or whatever added absolutely nothing to the story.

    Passing the torch to who? There was no plan when making the sequel trilogy. Like I said, this is the Skywalker saga. If you watched episode 1-6. Can you really tell me that jumping episode into 7 is gonna make sense to a viewer? George Lucas saw Star Wars as a family soap opera, it's like a poem that rhymes. There's nothing added with episode 7,8, or 9 that fulfill this story. If they want to do a story about a Jedi seperate from the Skywalkers then just make another trilogy (I also heard Rian is possibly getting his own trilogy so that might work out) but labeling these as a sequel trilogy ruined this story from the jump

  • Dec 28, 2022
    1 reply
    AK Fresh

    All it did was remind me of how Luke almost killed his dad but stopped

    This is the obvious connection but people like to think Luke is some JesusBuddha incarnate or some s*** instead of an emotionally driven dude just like his dad

  • Dec 28, 2022
    1 reply
    AK Fresh

    All it did was remind me of how Luke almost killed his dad but stopped

    Yes exactly bro. Luke already went through that lesson. Why as a 40+ year old man would Luke be going through the same lesson we already saw him go through in episode 6 as a young man. Also he denied the lightsaber duel in episode 6 already which he also does in episode 8 again. Why do yall praise a rehash. Yall claim this showed a whole new side to Luke and that it was so groundbreaking but it literally retread old ground

  • Dec 28, 2022
    1 reply
    rise zero

    This is the obvious connection but people like to think Luke is some JesusBuddha incarnate or some s*** instead of an emotionally driven dude just like his dad

    Yoda didn’t even wanna train him 😂

  • Dec 28, 2022
    1 reply

    Passing the torch to who? There was no plan when making the sequel trilogy. Like I said, this is the Skywalker saga. If you watched episode 1-6. Can you really tell me that jumping episode into 7 is gonna make sense to a viewer? George Lucas saw Star Wars as a family soap opera, it's like a poem that rhymes. There's nothing added with episode 7,8, or 9 that fulfill this story. If they want to do a story about a Jedi seperate from the Skywalkers then just make another trilogy (I also heard Rian is possibly getting his own trilogy so that might work out) but labeling these as a sequel trilogy ruined this story from the jump

    Passing the torch to a new generation of people? I don't see what's so hard to grasp about this

  • Dec 28, 2022
    3 replies
    rise zero

    Passing the torch to a new generation of people? I don't see what's so hard to grasp about this

    Because this is the Skywalker saga. It's a story about family. The sequel trilogy strayed away from it's original vision and yall can't seem to grasp that

  • Dec 28, 2022
    AK Fresh

    Yoda didn’t even wanna train him 😂

    He basically calls him an a****** and is like "Nah not again "