Couldn’t even stay open for more than 2 years
I’m assuming this was due to it being ridiculously overpriced?
First 2 on the list were
Then it was
Then it was
esb anywhere outside of top 3 is fully insane , tho tlj being best is a real ass take
esb anywhere outside of top 3 is fully insane , tho tlj being best is a real ass take
Prob false, MTTSH is behind on rent
Prob false, MTTSH is behind on rent
True but what would we think about this actually happening? Is Feige a good fit for Star Wars? I definitely feel like we need some new leadership there regardless
True but what would we think about this actually happening? Is Feige a good fit for Star Wars? I definitely feel like we need some new leadership there regardless
Maybe? He was able to shepherd Marvel to a good place for a decade before over extending himself and losing grip on the quality control
If he were to come in and keep Star Wars contained it could work? Idk for sure tho
With Taika saying his Star Wars movie is gonna “piss people off” it really makes me even less invested in what is to come with future movies even shows
I pray they never touch the old republic because it would be butchered SO F***ING BAD
Couldn’t even stay open for more than 2 years
I heard this thing was lit
The immersion
Well f***in deserved
Filoni is the absolute GOAT and deserves to be in charge of SW tbh