Sony fanboys are the most entitled crybabies because their consoles always been the winner since the ps2
They ain’t used to Ls like this
ps3 was a loss for them too in some ways
ps3 was a loss for them too in some ways
at the start yeah, but ps3 ended up winning
at the start yeah, but ps3 ended up winning
yeah I mean the real W xbox could easily do is "its free to play online but gamepass is what will continue to cost money" . Would shift console war
Bethesda ain’t playing around they revoked Tyler mcvickers starfield access
Bethesda ain’t playing around they revoked Tyler mcvickers starfield access
For real? Where you see that
Bethesda ain’t playing around they revoked Tyler mcvickers starfield access
f***ing idiot
Bethesda ain’t playing around they revoked Tyler mcvickers starfield access
He’s a dumb f*** cause the information he gave wasn’t worth for us either way . S*** comes out next week lol
Bethesda ain’t playing around they revoked Tyler mcvickers starfield access
LMFAO bro was really leaking with his own face
Bethesda ain’t playing around they revoked Tyler mcvickers starfield access
rough year for tyler !
Bethesda ain’t playing around they revoked Tyler mcvickers starfield access
I don’t think critics should be discussing review copies amongst each other at all
I don’t think critics should be discussing review copies amongst each other at all
These are very impressionable people and critic reviews should be personal opinions that arent influenced by others at all
Like you should really be locked away from the world during the entire review period
yeah I mean the real W xbox could easily do is "its free to play online but gamepass is what will continue to cost money" . Would shift console war
They would never do this lol. Xbox division been losing money as is