was debating downloading on my surface lmaoooooo
LOL this s*** on a steam deck I could be on a 12 hour flight just vibing
lol I didn't know this but for inventory I been just dumping s*** on my ship or selling it. The fact it never despawns is blowing my mind
I'm actually currently trying to figure this out rn im overweight and cant even run i wanted to transfer everything to this ship but it only allows me to take stuff off
when you say drop the items do you mean literally?
I'm actually currently trying to figure this out rn im overweight and cant even run i wanted to transfer everything to this ship but it only allows me to take stuff off
when you say drop the items do you mean literally?
yes literally like I dropped right on the floor by where sarah eats a sandwich on the ship and its all still there. The game remembers where you put every item if you dont believe me try it with like a coffee cup or something meaning less first. You can come back 8-12 hours later it will still be there
I was getting a crash error last night so had to uninstall reinstall I was terrified
yes literally like I dropped right on the floor by where sarah eats a sandwich on the ship and its all still there. The game remembers where you put every item if you dont believe me try it with like a coffee cup or something meaning less first. You can come back 8-12 hours later it will still be there
woulda been nice to know after i ended up crippled + encumbered (which lowered my carrying capacity) in one of these caves and i had to essentially crawl out to the exit and get back to my ship
forgot these niggas don’t let you fast travel w that s***
I wanna sell this s*** but the value goes down?? For some reason
yea you gotta up a certain trait/skill to get max money for s***. will be devalued without it
I wanna sell this s*** but the value goes down?? For some reason
yup, certified bethesda classic
games plays just like past BGS games and i couldn’t be more happy about it. menus and s*** took some time for me but once you just start setting course for your missions it’s very easy
About to boot it up again and I went to sleep like 4 hours ago lmfao
God damn
the soundtrack in this game has been top notch
interstellar x nasa x classic bethesda atmospheric vibes
F*** it just don't show up
I’m already here
Starfield not even supported on cloud gaming yet so I can’t do it that way
Do they have dumps of the character lines? I’m wanna try to make an ai voice mod for the character
also for anyone who hasn’t begun, i recommend using your real first name. Soooo fire when Vasco refers to you by “Captain Hoopsplayer21”
I should’ve called out sick today
I did lol let them know in beyond advanced very much a "good luck unless something is on fire" day. How is it on series s for you