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  • Apr 21, 2021

    any tips that best deal with the soreness after a work out? I take cold showers afterward, anything else? ๐Ÿค”

  • Apr 21, 2021

    Warm down stretches after every workout

  • Apr 21, 2021

    Eat well

  • Apr 21, 2021

    sleep. water. cold showers might help too.

    if you're sore it's working tho. keep it up

  • Apr 21, 2021
    1 reply

    the best way to stop gym related soreness is to train consistently

    you're the most anabolic when you're consistent. your body will adapt to the volume in a week and you won't feel sore until you either become inconsistent or increase your weekly volume.

  • stretch,sleep,replenish

  • Apr 21, 2021
    2 replies

    don't make the mistake that a lot of people do and skip workouts. this will just prolong your DOMS.

    stay consistent on your program, meaning don't skip days but also don't go crazy right out of the gate and add unneeded s***. warm showers and w/e just treat it for a little bit, only time and rest heals DOMS.

  • Apr 21, 2021

    keep moving


  • Apr 21, 2021

    dont overtrain, sleep well n start taking bcaa

  • Apr 21, 2021


  • Apr 22, 2021
    1 reply

    Doesn't whey or protein in general help with this?

  • You're going to get DOMS anytime you start back up after a layoff. Just ease into it and be consistent.

  • Apr 22, 2021

    active recovery bro keep moving after workouts and get a massage gun and SLEEP is golden

  • doms go away in like 2 weeks of consistent training

  • BlueChew Sean

    Doesn't whey or protein in general help with this?


  • Apr 22, 2021

    Stretch a lot

  • Apr 22, 2021
    1 reply

    don't make the mistake that a lot of people do and skip workouts. this will just prolong your DOMS.

    stay consistent on your program, meaning don't skip days but also don't go crazy right out of the gate and add unneeded s***. warm showers and w/e just treat it for a little bit, only time and rest heals DOMS.

    Muscles still confuse me man
    I thought it was bad to work the same muscle group before DOMS is finished? And I know DOMS eventually stops, so how do you know you still had a good workout. I used to use DOMS as an indicator but like I said it wears off after a few weeks

  • Apr 22, 2021

    Hydration mostly.

  • Apr 22, 2021

    Muscles still confuse me man
    I thought it was bad to work the same muscle group before DOMS is finished? And I know DOMS eventually stops, so how do you know you still had a good workout. I used to use DOMS as an indicator but like I said it wears off after a few weeks

    Exercise is basically causing microtrauma (little tears and nicks) to the muscles you're working out-- because your muscles are lengthening and are under stress from eccentric movements. When that happens, pain receptors are stimulated and there's a big influx of calcium to your muscles, which causes inflammation.

    The are two big myths with DOMS:

    1. The degree of soreness is parallel with how hard you worked out a muscle group. This is false. You can do a relatively light leg workout as a beginner and barely be able get out of bed. You can do a heavy, heavy deadlift session and feel like you didn't do anything the next day.

    2. That you should base your recovery off your DOMS-- false also because of the reasons listed above.

    Always base your recovery off your program, because only YOU know how hard you worked out. Your body doesn't feel much soreness once you consistently work out because your muscles have already adapted to that kind of movement. Which means recovery based off soreness can be very dangerous when you really start lifting heavy.

  • Apr 22, 2021
    1 reply

    just send the invoice and i gotchu

  • bitch mob ๐Ÿ›
    Apr 22, 2021
    1 reply

    just send the invoice and i gotchu

    what do you mean?

  • Niggamortis ๐Ÿ’ฒ
    Apr 22, 2021

    Drink water and do some minor stretches later on.

    Also get a good amount of sleep.

  • Apr 22, 2021
    bitch mob

    what do you mean?

    whatever he want's, i'll go get it right now

  • rnb sponge ๐Ÿงฝ
    Apr 23, 2021

    i need to join u op

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