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  • Apr 23, 2021

    Honestly just plough through it, you only get sore for the first couple weeks after you start working out

  • Apr 23, 2021

    don't make the mistake that a lot of people do and skip workouts. this will just prolong your DOMS.

    stay consistent on your program, meaning don't skip days but also don't go crazy right out of the gate and add unneeded s***. warm showers and w/e just treat it for a little bit, only time and rest heals DOMS.

  • Apr 23, 2021
    Emery Atreides

    any tips that best deal with the soreness after a work out? I take cold showers afterward, anything else? 🤔

    ya join the bodybuilding thread on ktt

  • Apr 23, 2021
    Emery Atreides

    any tips that best deal with the soreness after a work out? I take cold showers afterward, anything else? 🤔

    eat more protein to not feel as sore

  • Apr 23, 2021
    aaron xx

    the best way to stop gym related soreness is to train consistently

    you're the most anabolic when you're consistent. your body will adapt to the volume in a week and you won't feel sore until you either become inconsistent or increase your weekly volume.

    hes a smart mf @op he knows what hes talking about

    but if you want helpful tips on forum and what to do and not do check out yt videos and also check out athlean x on yt as well

  • Apr 23, 2021
    1 reply
    Emery Atreides

    any tips that best deal with the soreness after a work out? I take cold showers afterward, anything else? 🤔

    keep working out, it’ll go away

  • Apr 23, 2021

    keep working out, it’ll go away

    I’m actually less sore today after working out. Ima keep all of this in mind.

  • you gotta stretch, stretch, stretch

    get good sleep in order to recover

    eat better foods in order to recover

    and drink more water in order to recover

    otherwise you're ripping muscles apart and not replenishing the nutrients you lost stressing out your body even more

  • Oh I’ll make you sore

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