I am glad you read that paragraph and failed to grasp how expensive hiring famous actors for mocap is
if its so successful why the layoffs ?
Because these companies never layoff employees when they have successful games. Sure
"Horizon is a high-quality game series that is really popular but has absolutely zero cultural impact."
Yeah that
Because these companies never layoff employees when they have successful games. Sure
something can be successful or deemed a success and also not financially viable
that is WHY THEY ARE REMASTERING IT TO SELL IT AGAIN get people playing it again trying to make it a TV SHOW , MOVIE, LEGO GAME , MERCH
to make it much more than what it is
I am in agreement with you that in the MOMENT its successful
I swear y'all can read.
"Horizon is a high-quality game series that is really popular but has absolutely zero cultural impact."
Yeah that
And that's fine
by your logic why did Naughty Dog have layoffs after multiple highly successful games?
you slowly understanding after saying I am anti developer
dont worry you will get it
you still upset at me trolling and calling you anti developer
if the game was successful enough they would not be trying to sell you the franchise in 6 different ways
if it was sustainable to produce at the rate it was they wouldnt be like here goes a ghost tv show, game, movie here goes a last of us tv show, merch , game
they know they can only produce it at a rate of so long and it takes sometimes 5-6 years in between games
so yes its "successful" but the longer development times are expensive which is why you have smaller projects and other ways to keep people engaged with the franchise in some form
acting like Horizon the sales INCLUDE BUNDLING IT WITH A PS5
Horizon the player count includes PEOPLE BOOTING IT UP ONCE ON PLUS
I am not saying its a failure by any means. I am saying for the amount invested in it star power wise, mocap technology , graphics all of that yes they want it to catch on because they put a lot of work into it
That is why Guerilla games isnt going to a new ip or back to killzone yet or for forseeable future
"Horizon is a high-quality game series that is really popular but has absolutely zero cultural impact."
Yeah that
Just coz some ppl in KTT decided its average doesn't mean it doesn't have cultural impact.
you still upset at me trolling and calling you anti developer
y'all call any dumb or wrong statement you make "trolling" or "sarcasm"
Just coz some ppl in KTT decided its average doesn't mean it doesn't have cultural impact.
how do you define cultural impact from a game that rips from other games and barely has a soul of its own?
something can be successful or deemed a success and also not financially viable
that is WHY THEY ARE REMASTERING IT TO SELL IT AGAIN get people playing it again trying to make it a TV SHOW , MOVIE, LEGO GAME , MERCH
to make it much more than what it is
I am in agreement with you that in the MOMENT its successful
I swear y'all can read.
its cool dude, you're just seeing it from an insiders perspective.
you're talking about your career and the industry you work in
we're talking about our hobby so of course there's gonna be a bit of disconnect
That being said its insane that we live in a world where a movie has to make a billion dollars and have franchise potential to make sequels financially viable, but people somehow don't think the same things apply to video games?
y'all call any dumb or wrong statement you make "trolling" or "sarcasm"
yes, calling a person that works on game development anti dev is an obvious troll comment to anyone that isn't a moron
you're the easiest user to trigger and bait on the whole site because you have the awareness of a rock
how on earth would you take that as a serious comment when it was illogical to begin with, are you that dense
its cool dude, you're just seeing it from an insiders perspective.
you're talking about your career and the industry you work in
we're talking about our hobby so of course there's gonna be a bit of disconnect
That being said its insane that we live in a world where a movie has to make a billion dollars and have franchise potential to make sequels financially viable, but people somehow don't think the same things apply to video games?
Video game industry and movie industry blended way too much together
yes, calling a person that works on game development anti dev is an obvious troll comment to anyone that isn't a moron
you're the easiest user to trigger and bait on the whole site because you have the awareness of a rock
how on earth would you take that as a serious comment when it was illogical to begin with, are you that dense
you guys are morons though
your profile picture is literally the weeknd in front of a p****
you want me to think you are smart?
Video game industry and movie industry blended way too much together
it's all gonna just be media in 10 years
Video game industry and movie industry blended way too much together
movie games
its cool dude, you're just seeing it from an insiders perspective.
you're talking about your career and the industry you work in
we're talking about our hobby so of course there's gonna be a bit of disconnect
That being said its insane that we live in a world where a movie has to make a billion dollars and have franchise potential to make sequels financially viable, but people somehow don't think the same things apply to video games?
your final question is all I am getting at. You don't have to be any sort of insider to ask yourself why the gaming industry has record layoffs and profits at the same time
how do you define cultural impact from a game that rips from other games and barely has a soul of its own?
Again, just coz you dont f*** with it, doesn't mean the entire world doesn't.
It's an open world game. It's gonna have elements that exist is alot of open world games ofcourse lol. That doesn't mean the combat, world and main character aren't unique in their own way.
Again, just coz you dont f*** with it, doesn't mean the entire world doesn't.
It's an open world game. It's gonna have elements that exist is alot of open world games ofcourse lol. That doesn't mean the combat, world and main character aren't unique in their own way.
what about Horizon shifts the culture you are saying it had cultural impact I am asking where are the horizon clones or cultural impact
yes, calling a person that works on game development anti dev is an obvious troll comment to anyone that isn't a moron
you're the easiest user to trigger and bait on the whole site because you have the awareness of a rock
how on earth would you take that as a serious comment when it was illogical to begin with, are you that dense
i have no problem with you, but i don't think you're being very cool here.
Let bro live
like...you're trolling an autistic guy on the internet? cool dude! are you doing it for imagined entertainment of people in this thread,
or are you sitting in your deskchair so desperate for human connection that you don't even care anymore if it's negative.
i have no problem with you, but i don't think you're being very cool here.
Let bro live
like...you're trolling an autistic guy on the internet? cool dude! are you doing it for imagined entertainment of people in this thread,
or are you sitting in your deskchair so desperate for human connection that you don't even care anymore if it's negative.
they all think they are so cool til a Nigga says they do it for internet clout
what about Horizon shifts the culture you are saying it had cultural impact I am asking where are the horizon clones or cultural impact
Yeah he's very much missing the point of cultural impact vs. financial success but I'm too lazy now to get into it