  • Feb 12
    1 reply

    Never have.

    Nah you tripping now. Yeah this show was wack but we know they have amazing games in the pipeline they just aren't showing them yet, due to not being ready or who knows why

  • Feb 12
    1 reply

    Tf is bend, santa monica, media molecule working on?

  • Feb 12
    5 replies

    I didn’t realize how weirdly underrated Returnal was, genuinely one of the only 10/10s on the system and it seems like half the thread is sleeping on it damn

  • Feb 12
    1 reply

    Tf is bend, santa monica, media molecule working on?

    Bend working on the ps5 version of days gone

    media molecule was working on dreams up until like a year ago when they announced they’d stop supporting it.

    Santa Monica gave us ragnarok in 2022 and the dlc in 2023. It’s been only 1.5 years since then, I’m sure they’re probably halfway through development of their next game, probably too early to announce

  • maxxing

    I didn’t realize how weirdly underrated Returnal was, genuinely one of the only 10/10s on the system and it seems like half the thread is sleeping on it damn

    It didn't even sell 1 million or if it did by now it barely cracked it, people pretending they want experimental games from Sony and not buying em. I got the true ending in Returnal so we in there day 1

  • Feb 12

    Damn what I miss

  • Feb 12
    1 reply

    I didn’t realize how weirdly underrated Returnal was, genuinely one of the only 10/10s on the system and it seems like half the thread is sleeping on it damn

    Because it's a rogue lite. People will dismiss is because of that.

  • maxxing

    I didn’t realize how weirdly underrated Returnal was, genuinely one of the only 10/10s on the system and it seems like half the thread is sleeping on it damn

    Returnal is fire, I'll give you that

    Seems like people just don't understand the hype.

  • Feb 12
    1 reply

    Because it's a rogue lite. People will dismiss is because of that.

    are roguelites not cool anymore?

  • Feb 12
    1 reply

    are roguelites not cool anymore?

    I think the genre was always divisive because of how it works mechanically.

    People don't like losing weapons or starting over.

  • Feb 12
    1 reply

    A Days Gone remaster s*** already looks good on PS5

  • No matter the responses, I will say that this showcase proved that the gaming world has a huge dissatisfaction towards non AAA games

    Basically, "If it there ain't no AAA shown or revealed, then I don't want it "

  • Feb 12
    1 reply

    Bend working on the ps5 version of days gone

    media molecule was working on dreams up until like a year ago when they announced they’d stop supporting it.

    Santa Monica gave us ragnarok in 2022 and the dlc in 2023. It’s been only 1.5 years since then, I’m sure they’re probably halfway through development of their next game, probably too early to announce

    Was rhetorical I know bend was working on a live service that got canceled. Mm is fair but Santa Monica been rumored to be a doing a new ip. Ragnarok was a cross gen game they SLACKIN!

  • 7/10 show tbh

  • Mario Kart 9 / X better watch out, Sonic coming for that top spot

  • Feb 12
    1 reply

    I think the genre was always divisive because of how it works mechanically.

    People don't like losing weapons or starting over.

    I guess that makes sense. I love lites a lot more than likes for that reason too so I get it

  • Something still looks off about Lost Soul Aside

  • Nute

    A Days Gone remaster s*** already looks good on PS5

    this is abysmal why didn’t they release this 3 years ago lmfaooo

  • BrandonM

    Nah you tripping now. Yeah this show was wack but we know they have amazing games in the pipeline they just aren't showing them yet, due to not being ready or who knows why

    They got remasters and remakes in the pipeline

  • Feb 13

    Looks like Sauros is the game Sony XDev was hyping up

  • Feb 13
    1 reply

    I guess that makes sense. I love lites a lot more than likes for that reason too so I get it

    A quote from the PS blog post

    "A key gameplay distinction between Saros and Returnal is permanent resources and progression making every death valuable. After every death you will face a changed world, but in Saros you will be able to choose and permanently upgrade your loadout from an evolving set of weapons and suit upgrades to “come back stronger” to overcome the challenges you face on Carcosa."

  • Drezo

    A quote from the PS blog post

    "A key gameplay distinction between Saros and Returnal is permanent resources and progression making every death valuable. After every death you will face a changed world, but in Saros you will be able to choose and permanently upgrade your loadout from an evolving set of weapons and suit upgrades to “come back stronger” to overcome the challenges you face on Carcosa."

    yeah thats why I f***ed with hades so hard

    returnal I would probably get bored with quicker

  • Feb 13
    1 reply

    Some good games announced, but seriously what a waste of a generation

  • Feb 13

    I didn’t realize how weirdly underrated Returnal was, genuinely one of the only 10/10s on the system and it seems like half the thread is sleeping on it damn

    Still the best game on the system imo I slept on it for like a year so I get why other ppl do too, definitely needs to be more widely appreciated tho

  • ILoveCheeseCake

    Some good games announced, but seriously what a waste of a generation