  • GottaGloUp1Day

    Was rhetorical I know bend was working on a live service that got canceled. Mm is fair but Santa Monica been rumored to be a doing a new ip. Ragnarok was a cross gen game they SLACKIN!

    Eh I think cross-gen is the new wave from now on, it makes sense to keep more than one gen alive from now on at all times, considering the power. we’ll be getting pa4/ps5 games up until ps5/ps6 games start dropping

  • Feb 13
    1 reply

    In not even the past 6 months they've announced, Intergalactic, Ghost of Yotei and Saros. Lost Soul Aside is a PlayStation Studios game as well

    If they had saved all of those announcements for one show the perception would be way different

  • State of Play is always wack. I don't know why anybody is surprised. I don't even get excited for these anymore

  • Drezo

    In not even the past 6 months they've announced, Intergalactic, Ghost of Yotei and Saros. Lost Soul Aside is a PlayStation Studios game as well

    If they had saved all of those announcements for one show the perception would be way different

    must be a decision on the marketing side, they don’t want the announcements to eclipse each other so they spread them out. this way each game gets it’s time to have its own news cycle etc

    what they really should do is a full ps5 showcase with long gameplay of Yotei, death stranding 2, SAROS, intergalactic, Wolverine, etc.

  • That Octopus game has me excited!

    New Housemarque title looks intriguing - expecting it to be more accessible than Returnal.

  • Even the original god of war creator wasn't too impressed

    He seems to b**** and moan a lot though. Thought it was interesting getting his take

  • already locked in on SAROS

    hope early 2026

  • maxxing

    I didn’t realize how weirdly underrated Returnal was, genuinely one of the only 10/10s on the system and it seems like half the thread is sleeping on it damn

    Man I I’m gonna finally cop and play it since there’s nothing really that interests me up until the late summer, it l looks fire and I’ve always heard good things

  • Feb 13
    1 reply

    Until Dawn, Horizon Zero Dawn, and Days Gone remasters within 1 year. This gen f***ing STINKS.

  • Feb 13

    Until Dawn, Horizon Zero Dawn, and Days Gone remasters within 1 year. This gen f***ing STINKS.

    i'm not copping a ps6 until it comes with extreme bangers cuz this gen been a wash. Even elden ring dropped on ps4

  • Did the combat in the new onimusha look really slow for anyone else?