this is what it means to have a number 1 song in 2022
there are no hits anymore
damn i feel bad for the zoomers
what a weird time for popular music. it's gonna take a while for tik tok to get dethroned, too.
S***s sad but expected since people don't really "listen" to music Anymore
what a false take
never read a more bitter thread in my life
idk how some yall dont kill yourselves being this angry at everybody and everything
Reminds me of the beach house concert I went to zoomers talking over songs until space song came on
never read a more bitter thread in my life
idk how some yall dont kill yourselves being this angry at everybody and everything
you're an idiot
s*** you proved my point
yep, i was fuming spitting mad as i posted that
keep it up
Honestly a lot of artists that have like one hit song bigger than their others deal with s*** like this at concerts, at least from what I’ve seen. A lot of people go to concerts to say they did or just get f***ed up. They don’t care about 90% of songs on a set list for like 90% of artists
so tired of the enlightened contrarians in every single thread, you literally have niggas making songs geared to go viral on Tik Tok, and you have morons in here saying that people in itt are "old" and/or "bitter"
it's literally ruining music and commodifying it, and you niggas are focused on the people calling it out?
it just boggles my mind
Was at a Lorde concert and these two girls near me were yelling “play royals” through multiple songs on melodrama like, people don’t consume music like we do lol doesn’t matter let these artists get their money