  • Oct 17, 2022

    Tiktok IRL

  • Oct 17, 2022

    The musician that the tik tok fans were primarily exposed to while growing up was TRAVIS SCOTT so they learned how to tune out any lyrics and just go with the vibes

  • Oct 17, 2022
    2 replies
    Jim Halpert

    this is not how fanbases get built

    they do not know the words to his most famous song lol

    Bags are secured when your songs pop off somehow

    Fanbases are built when people start saying you saved their lives or w/e

    You can tell the difference in dedication between, for example, Taylor Swift fans and Katy Perry fans. One of them was able to survive a flop era and the other totally cratered because the fanbases were legit with one and not the other

    It’s an interesting question, what kind of fanbases can truly be built on TikTok based around snippets of songs? It’s still possible but it’s more difficult I think

  • Oct 17, 2022
    1 reply

    Bags are secured when your songs pop off somehow

    Fanbases are built when people start saying you saved their lives or w/e

    You can tell the difference in dedication between, for example, Taylor Swift fans and Katy Perry fans. One of them was able to survive a flop era and the other totally cratered because the fanbases were legit with one and not the other

    It’s an interesting question, what kind of fanbases can truly be built on TikTok based around snippets of songs? It’s still possible but it’s more difficult I think

    Taylor Swift level fanbases are often built on memorable and relatable verses that speak to specific types of people that aren’t being spoken to - and huge hooks on top of that

  • Oct 17, 2022

    Lmao I f*** wit Steve Lacy but this is crazy. I mean it’s more common than niggas would think but it was nothing he could do but laugh that off

  • Oct 17, 2022
    tomorrow volverse

    this went #1 on Billboard? can't be true.

    Just goes to show you that no amount of manufactured hype on TikTok or anywhere online can buy you a real fanbase

    YB doesnt care about sales but if he did a show in that venue his fans would know a lot of his songs word for word

    I wouldn’t say he doesn’t have a fan base he came up as a crucial member of the band. the Internet. In this instance he just caught one with the help of tik tok so he probably has more new “fans” that don’t know his lyrics lol

  • Oct 17, 2022

    Like even Steve is visibly bothered by it, look at how he said “now sing the verses” like a fed up parent facetiously ordering their kid to do some bad s*** again in front of em before whooping them. “Come on say that cuss word again” and making the kid actually do it while the kid stands there crying cause they know they f***ed up vibes

    It’s just one show, I doubt this is the norm.

  • Oct 17, 2022

    Taylor Swift level fanbases are often built on memorable and relatable verses that speak to specific types of people that aren’t being spoken to - and huge hooks on top of that

    And that s*** ain’t happening in TikTok hits.

    I’m not worried about the state of music today because life is more than TikTok and great music will always be made, but I’m not surprised this is happening with artists who blow up based on snippets.

  • Oct 17, 2022
    2 replies

    I’ve listened to the song a lot but I probably couldn’t recite the verse

  • Oct 17, 2022
    · edited

    I’ve listened to the song a lot but I probably couldn’t recite the verse

    Legit the only reason I know it by heart is my karaoke spot got it and I’ve done it enough times that it’s second nature now

    Based on my experience with this song and crowds, yes, people know the lyrics. No, they do not know them as well as you would think based on the song being top 2 for months.

  • Oct 17, 2022

    song only blew up cuz the hook i still love steve tho

  • Oct 17, 2022

    The hater in me is like WHERE THE F*** DID THE HAH EMOJI GO but that’s f***ed up in all seriousness he does deserve better

  • Oct 17, 2022


  • Oct 17, 2022

    Damn so it’s all them mfs liking the song in the viral tiktok clip so much and having so much play money to spend that they go to a concert Willy nilly for a nigga who’s biggest song they don’t know the verses to? Lmao

    Imagine going to a concert because of a 15 seconds loop

  • Oct 17, 2022

    I feel sorry for Steve

  • Oct 17, 2022
    2 replies

    This is what happens when you payola your way to a #1. Organic #1s are very rare these days since the radio is dead.

  • Oct 17, 2022

    I’ve listened to the song a lot but I probably couldn’t recite the verse

    me with every song

    makes me feel stupid af

  • Oct 17, 2022
    2 replies
    D Dot

    KTT told me he was the next Frank Ocean though

    No one in the real world knows Frank Ocean so possibly

  • Oct 17, 2022

    Crazy because crowds at rap concerts know every word n hook n verse. And people told me hiphop was the genre without substance

  • Oct 17, 2022

    lowkey though if im an artist im not trusting the dumbass crowd to know anything outside of the huge hooks to the hits

    i remember being at a gig where kendrick was trying to get the crowd involved in singing For Sale and it was awkward af lol

    wtf is that

  • Oct 17, 2022
    1 reply

    This is what happens when you payola your way to a #1. Organic #1s are very rare these days since the radio is dead.

    Radio is organic guys

  • Oct 17, 2022

    more i watch this the most astonished i am that no one knew the words

    i hate this song and have probably only listened a few times and could do a better job

  • Oct 17, 2022
    1 reply

    This is what happens when you payola your way to a #1. Organic #1s are very rare these days since the radio is dead.

    Steve's hit wasn't payola fam, what???
