Will the price of living go up, would people who's jobs require them to have a certain degree or certification get a raise to compensate?
well theres a whole combination of factors involved with COL beyond just minimum wage but it is a first step
minimum wage would actually be higher than $15 if it was keeping up with the growth of rest of the economy over the past decade
Never going to happen, who do you think is lobbying these politicians
Biden was the one who wanted it tho
What a trash speaker (reader) he is. Didn’t even say anything that’s actually gonna help the country 😞 let’s get these old people out of here man
But y’all voted for this man and not for Bernie
Lets give it some time. Yes he’s a centrist but there could be some widely agreed on policies they implement that Bernie was speaking on
Making middle class money doesn’t make you any happier, just makes you more pissed at politicians.
Occupy wall street was right about 1%
Sure is interesting how shortly after Occupy Wall Streets large banks and conglomerate corporations took up the hollow mantle of social justice rhetoric
wasn't this man tweeting about $2k for americans for the last 2 weeks
cool, cool
wasn't this man tweeting about $2k for americans for the last 2 weeks
cool, cool
He a b**** trying to appeal to both sides while not appealing to any side
Biden was the one who wanted it tho
this is the same man who said he would veto M4A, like i belive any of his posturing
But y’all voted for this man and not for Bernie
Bernie won his primary in my state, beloved
Making middle class money doesn’t make you any happier, just makes you more pissed at politicians.
Tell that to someone in buttfuck nowhere making 3.xx/hr because they work somewhere where they make "tips"
Tell that to someone in buttfuck nowhere making 3.xx/hr because they work somewhere where they make "tips"
Pull your boot straps up and work for some money
me and revered shmock gonna DP jill if college students dont get 2k
heard that the $1400 stim this time actually includes dependents, not sure if that's true
We need another reagan b. Lower taxes by any means necessary
Excuse you?