@Tomorrow @EMY @2005hondacivic
I could cry
So you rather pay 40% in taxes ok
taxes are so dope, if theyre properly applied to our communities
and thats a BIG if. taxes could be used to make everyones life better, not just specific tax brackets
I could cry
So you rather pay 40% in taxes ok
do you understand how taxes work man? it scales based on income so normal people aren't even affected. why you caping for rich people to get taxed less lol, it only hurts the rest of us
Link to full document here:
In the 60s and 70s CEOs only made 22x the salary of the average worker, on average. CEO salaries and bonuses then began to be tied to stock performance, which has led to them increasing the value of the companies without giving a s*** what happens to the people, the community or the environment. To the point that now, the "top" CEOs are paid over 1000x what their employees are, while employee wages have not kept up with inflation.
This has been my TEDtalk
so will college students get $2k bc they were left out of the 600 or will they get 1,400 as well
so will college students get $2k bc they were left out of the 600 or will they get 1,400 as well
No. $1,400.
We need another reagan b. Lower taxes by any means necessary
are you f***ed in the head
Student loan forebearnce extension?
Nothing about student loans in the document I can find, no
In the 60s and 70s CEOs only made 22x the salary of the average worker, on average. CEO salaries and bonuses then began to be tied to stock performance, which has led to them increasing the value of the companies without giving a s*** what happens to the people, the community or the environment. To the point that now, the "top" CEOs are paid over 1000x what their employees are, while employee wages have not kept up with inflation.
This has been my TEDtalk
capital gains needs to be taxed strongly
en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_Recovery_Tax_Act_of_1981 So y’all saying this isn’t one of the best tax cuts a presidents passed right behind the temporary tax cuts trump put into place until 2025. Ok y’all kids for sure
Link to full document here:
Thank you
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_Recovery_Tax_Act_of_1981 So y’all saying this isn’t one of the best tax cuts a presidents passed right behind the temporary tax cuts trump put into place until 2025. Ok y’all kids for sure
yes actually those are both two of the worst things to ever happen to this country. they're the reason income inequality has become out of control and 2018 was the first year since the 1910s that billionaires were actually taxed at a lower overall rate than working class people. i don't see how that's a good thing unless you're rich and don't care about normal people