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  • Jan 15, 2021
    1 reply

    I haven’t got the 600 or the 1200 can’t I get it when i file for taxes? Or can I get it before?

  • Jan 15, 2021
    2 replies

    yes actually those are both two of the worst things to ever happen to this country. they're the reason income inequality has become out of control and 2018 was the first year since the 1910s that billionaires were actually taxed at a lower overall rate than working class people. i don't see how that's a good thing unless you're rich and don't care about normal people

    What do you propose then? A flat tax ?

  • Jan 15, 2021

    We need another reagan b. Lower taxes by any means necessary


  • Using my stimulus on d**** and alcohol all of it

  • Jan 15, 2021

    $15 an hour Minimum wage standard?

  • Jan 15, 2021

    Ion gaf about this little ass stim check. That $15/ an hour increase is f***ing LIVE. thats long term money for us hard working people

  • Jan 15, 2021

    Mfs in ohio gotta sweat their ass off for $13+ an hour

  • Jan 15, 2021
    1 reply

    What do you propose then? A flat tax ?

    i'm not qualified enough myself to say but an idea that i really support was a plan laid out in a book i read called triumph of injustice. their plan was a mixture of a small flat national income tax to replace regressive sales taxes, as well as increasing corporate tax rates, the top marginal rate, and a separate wealth tax for people with net worths of over 1 billion. would fund a lot of social programs while not increasing the overall rate for normal people. just makes the rich pay their fair share

    it's a really well argued book and i recommend it if you're interested in tax policy at all

  • Jan 15, 2021
    1 reply

    What do you propose then? A flat tax ?

    ask a properly educated economist this question

  • Jan 15, 2021
    1 reply

    Now lower taxes for the middle class and raise them for the rich.

  • Jan 15, 2021

    Now lower taxes for the middle class and raise them for the rich.

    NO corporations need low taxes so their massive amounts of wealth can drip and overflow into the cup for us

  • Jan 15, 2021
    1 reply

    ask a properly educated economist this question

    If you are going to argue against actually passed tax plans then I just expect a rebuttal.

  • Jan 15, 2021
    1 reply

    If you are going to argue against actually passed tax plans then I just expect a rebuttal.

    And you're allowed to do that, however, for the best response on how taxes work, there are many sources on the internet by people who have studied it for years and theorize which one could be best applied to our everyday lives

  • Jan 15, 2021

    i'm not qualified enough myself to say but an idea that i really support was a plan laid out in a book i read called triumph of injustice. their plan was a mixture of a small flat national income tax to replace regressive sales taxes, as well as increasing corporate tax rates, the top marginal rate, and a separate wealth tax for people with net worths of over 1 billion. would fund a lot of social programs while not increasing the overall rate for normal people. just makes the rich pay their fair share

    it's a really well argued book and i recommend it if you're interested in tax policy at all

    I’ll read it but the problem with taxing the rich is they pay for everything already. Walmart , Disney , Las Vegas billionaires all came out in the last week revealing they donate to the gop. If someone is paying your way to office you aren’t going to cross them. It’s a systemic issue that will never change. Just gotta look for something fair and bipartisan.

  • Jan 15, 2021

    And you're allowed to do that, however, for the best response on how taxes work, there are many sources on the internet by people who have studied it for years and theorize which one could be best applied to our everyday lives

    I read everyday about taxes but that won’t change anything just pisses me off more. We could be like France with their rich tax. Lol

  • Jan 15, 2021
    Hippya So y’all saying this isn’t one of the best tax cuts a presidents passed right behind the temporary tax cuts trump put into place until 2025. Ok y’all kids for sure

    bro just send me a pic of your 2021 A class mercedes and be honest with yourself lol. this pseudo empathy is killing me

  • Jan 15, 2021


  • Jan 15, 2021

    Want to check on the status of your stimulus check? Click the link below to learn more information.

    What that mean about the $400 a week unemployment...”will push 4 triggers” ?

  • Jan 15, 2021

    Not hyped on the minimum bump

  • Jan 15, 2021
    2 replies

    Bro $15 an hour minimum plus the $400 a week for those unemployed til September.

    Got damn this gonna be the year for niggas to really stack up and set ourselves up financially

  • Jan 15, 2021
    4 replies
    Oscar Winner

    Bro $15 an hour minimum plus the $400 a week for those unemployed til September.

    Got damn this gonna be the year for niggas to really stack up and set ourselves up financially

    Got 20k in UI last year looks like I’m finna get another 20k sitting on my ass idk bout yall niggas but I love miss rona

  • Jan 15, 2021

    Got 20k in UI last year looks like I’m finna get another 20k sitting on my ass idk bout yall niggas but I love miss rona

    im deadddd babyy

  • Jan 15, 2021
    2 replies

    Got 20k in UI last year looks like I’m finna get another 20k sitting on my ass idk bout yall niggas but I love miss rona

    Can i apply for that if i have a job

  • Jan 15, 2021
    1 reply

    Got 20k in UI last year looks like I’m finna get another 20k sitting on my ass idk bout yall niggas but I love miss rona

    Nah fam don’t say it like that because people unfortunately dying. But for those of us who are fortunate, Yes we are being blessed with great opportunities to get our money right.

    Last go around I was able to get myself out of debt with school bills

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