i’d really just prefer the student loans route but this is cool too ig. been needing a new mattress forever and i can ball out on it with this
If you work for a place that’s still truly a small business and the $15 min wage gets passed should I be worried
Bouta apply at amazon or target soon while I still can just for security then lmao In school and tryna buy a car soon
Bouta apply at amazon or target soon while I still can just for security then lmao In school and tryna buy a car soon
Finna be working for J-Beezy huh
Finna be working for J-Beezy huh
Retail jobs that haven’t already made the change to $15 already looking shaking in my state amazon pretty much guaranteed if you simply pass a d*** test
Can we keep minimum wage under $15... I make $17 and I'm trying to continue looking at niggas different
It should be even higher than 17...closer to 25
It should be even higher than 17...closer to 25
Interesting take. Genuinely curious—why do you have this stance?
If you work for a place that’s still truly a small business and the $15 min wage gets passed should I be worried
yeah better start looking for a new job
It should be even higher than 17...closer to 25
you do realize cost of living will skyrocket across the board
you do realize cost of living will skyrocket across the board
Its been rising anyway man. At least wages will increase.
Its been rising anyway man. At least wages will increase.
its gonna keep getting higher, when NYs minimum wage went to 15 food prices damn near doubled
mf needs to reduce the 40 hour work week to a 30 hour work week
There was a study done in some European country/city where they tried 6 hour work day with 4 day work week.
Productivity increased and employees were happy.
Company also had their profits increased.
They need to try this out in the States.
mf needs to reduce the 40 hour work week to a 30 hour work week
This and they need to keep me remote .
Not looking forward to office life at all
y'all really complaining about free money?
Can’t even imagine what’s it like working in the warehouse, especially when you’re underpaid and bust your ass all day.
There was a study done in some European country/city where they tried 6 hour work day with 4 day work week.
Productivity increased and employees were happy.
Company also had their profits increased.
They need to try this out in the States.
Never gonna happen, especially for global companies. US generates the most revenue, and basically compensates for their EU counterpart.
If you work for a place that’s still truly a small business and the $15 min wage gets passed should I be worried
do you plan on working there for years to come? if not then nah
the wage increase is going to hurt some people, especially those in rural environments. but i expect it to not be fully phased in until like 2025 at the earliest.
the county i used to live in adjusts their minimum wage for how many employees are within the company, minimum wage is $15 but only if you employ like >200 people, so maybe something like that will happen.
you do realize cost of living will skyrocket across the board
Not if there was regulation
y'all really complaining about free money?