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  • Jan 15, 2021
    1 reply

    Interesting take. Genuinely curious—why do you have this stance?

    “In fact, had the federal minimum wage kept pace with workers’ productivity since 1968 the inflation-adjusted minimum wage would be $24 an hour”

  • Jan 15, 2021
    1 reply

    mf needs to reduce the 40 hour work week to a 30 hour work week

    Probably gonna happen and I’m not complaining, if businesses are so worried about if they can afford the wage increase just lessen the hours ratio work aholics gonna throw a fit though

  • Jan 15, 2021

    do you plan on working there for years to come? if not then nah

    the wage increase is going to hurt some people, especially those in rural environments. but i expect it to not be fully phased in until like 2025 at the earliest.

    the county i used to live in adjusts their minimum wage for how many employees are within the company, minimum wage is $15 but only if you employ like >200 people, so maybe something like that will happen.

    Oh no, it’s just a simple part time job while I’m in school and I’m in a high traffic/populated area of my state

    That makes a lot of sense I mean the company I work for is a franchise across the state and I think overall it employs less than 150 including corporate so yeah

  • Jan 15, 2021

    “In fact, had the federal minimum wage kept pace with workers’ productivity since 1968 the inflation-adjusted minimum wage would be $24 an hour”

    that stat is misleading because it takes the productivity gains across ALL careers (doctors, engineers, etc.) not just minimum wage employees

    most of these gains in productivity came from increases in technology rather than increased labor, and obviously we've come a long way since 1968 in that regard

  • slime wrld

    Probably gonna happen and I’m not complaining, if businesses are so worried about if they can afford the wage increase just lessen the hours ratio work aholics gonna throw a fit though

    let 'em keep working from home

  • Jan 15, 2021
    1 reply

    25$ min wage, f*** corporate profits.

  • Jan 15, 2021

    25$ min wage, f*** corporate profits.

    Synopsis has spoken 😤

  • Jan 15, 2021
    4 replies

    So my stimulus says it was mailed 1-06... when can I expect it? Is it coming from Washington, what is the holdup

  • Jan 15, 2021

    you do realize cost of living will skyrocket across the board

    it's already been doing that

  • Jan 15, 2021
    1 reply

    are dependents eligible now?

  • Jan 15, 2021
    1 reply

    are dependents eligible now?

  • Jan 15, 2021
    1 reply

    So my stimulus says it was mailed 1-06... when can I expect it? Is it coming from Washington, what is the holdup

    Where can you check when it was mailed?

  • Jan 15, 2021


  • Jan 15, 2021

    So my stimulus says it was mailed 1-06... when can I expect it? Is it coming from Washington, what is the holdup

    Yeah same I feel like it was way quicker the first time

  • Jan 15, 2021
    1 reply
    hysteric gamer

    Where can you check when it was mailed?

    Google Get My Payment portal IRS

  • Jan 15, 2021
    2 replies

    Google Get My Payment portal IRS

    Received it in the mail as soon as I posted that preciate it though

  • Jan 15, 2021
    1 reply

    So my stimulus says it was mailed 1-06... when can I expect it? Is it coming from Washington, what is the holdup


    s*** is annoying

  • Jan 15, 2021
    hysteric gamer

    Received it in the mail as soon as I posted that preciate it though

    When did the portal say it was mailed? Just so people who was mailed on 1-6 can have an idea

  • Jan 15, 2021


    s*** is annoying

    Think I seen somewhere it could take 2 weeks? 1/20... and it’s a card ?

  • Jan 15, 2021

    So my stimulus says it was mailed 1-06... when can I expect it? Is it coming from Washington, what is the holdup

    mine said the same and I got it 2 days later

  • Jan 15, 2021
    hysteric gamer

    Received it in the mail as soon as I posted that preciate it though

    Lucky son of a gun! What part of the country are you in

  • Jan 15, 2021
    2 replies

    The earliest late March/early April

    The latest is May

    we gotta wait that long for the stimulus?

  • Jan 15, 2021
    Eric C

    we gotta wait that long for the stimulus?

    Depends on how fast this gets passed in Congress

    There’s opposition to the amount of checks from some key Dems (they want actual 2k checks instead of something that when added makes 2k)

  • Jan 15, 2021
    1 reply
    Oscar Winner

    Bro $15 an hour minimum plus the $400 a week for those unemployed til September.

    Got damn this gonna be the year for niggas to really stack up and set ourselves up financially

    where do you live that $15 an hour is stack up money lmao

  • Jan 15, 2021
    1 reply

    where do you live that $15 an hour is stack up money lmao

    It ain’t about just me. Speaking on everyone. Niggas in Utah minimum wage like $7 lmao

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