bumping with chapter 19 of the enchiridion
You will never have to experience defeat if you avoid contests whose outcome is outside your control. Don't let outward appearances mislead you into thinking that someone with more prestige, power or some other distinction must on that account be happy. If the essence of the good lies within us, then there is no place for jealousy or envy, and you will not care about being a general, a senator or a consul – only about being free. And the way to be free is to look down on externals.
Started making my bed every morning and lost my virginity within a week. Now I’m astral projecting.
very taoist
stoics got my approval
can't get enough of that s***
reading zhuangzi >>>>
i been reading a free copy on my Kindle but I'm itching for a physical copy u got a translation rec by any chance? 🥺
i been reading a free copy on my Kindle but I'm itching for a physical copy u got a translation rec by any chance? 🥺
hell yea u gotta check out Kuang-ming Wu's Butterfly as Companion
so much more than a translation that s*** kicks assss
even if u cant get it for free u should buy. it's worth every penny
hell yea u gotta check out Kuang-ming Wu's Butterfly as Companion
so much more than a translation that s*** kicks assss
even if u cant get it for free u should buy. it's worth every penny
all about purchasing books like this. thank you
Haven’t cracked a smile since June this is doing wonders
2 years strong on this my life changed for the better 😐
not a fan of stoic indifference tbh
meh, whatever
Just keep in mind the central questions: 'What is mine, what is not mine? What has been given to me? What does God want me to do, or not do, now?'
It wasn't long ago he wanted you to take time off, to commune with yourself, to read, write and attend classes on these subjects — all by way of preparation, because you had the time available. Now, however, he's saying to you, 'It's high time you were tested. Show us what you've learned, show us how well you've trained. How long do you plan on working out alone? We want to know whether you are champion material or a touring professional pushover. So don't make difficulties, no public match is devoid of commotion. There have to be trainers, supporters, many judges and many people in the stands.'
'But I was hoping to lead a peaceful life."
Well, then, mope and be miserable, as you should be. What greater punishment do you deserve for ignoring and defying God's will than to be sad, disgruntled and malcontent — unhappy, in short, and ill-fated? Don't you want to be free of all that?
Lost art man. Most people today would rather put all their problems on something else.
Lost art man. Most people today would rather put all their problems on something else.
a lot of the problems in peoples lives aren't their fault, sure, but they are their responsibility
a lot of the problems in peoples lives aren't their fault, sure, but they are their responsibility
The environment you are put into is out of your control but how you handle that environment and work with it totally is.
the "suck it up and be a man" philosophy
best philosophy
The environment you are put into is out of your control but how you handle that environment and work with it totally is.
The environment you are put into is out of your control but how you handle that environment and work with it totally is.
There’s also a sense of entitlement around where no matter what you are good enough. Which makes you feel good maybe but I have the belief that every single one of us has work to do to became a better self.
Marcus Aurelius
jus bought meditations 🤝
dk if this has been shared before, but it's a must watch for anyone who wants to get into stoicism
Edit: fixed link
what was this?