Apparently you haven't seen how grimy some of these cops/swat ass niggas be during protests and riots
Yeah I always see these dumb liberals on live at protests, like wtf are you doing you’ll get us all arrested.
You can be arrested for just standing next to property damage, a girl was arrested and may spend years in prison in Minneapolis for just walking into a target getting looted because she was identified on video
Record the police all you want just don’t record the crowd and don’t get on live. The cops watch the streams of people in the crowd to get info, locations and other details
your british
Cameras can be fine, it's just that nowadays camera is nearly synonymous with phone. It's the SIM card that ends up f***ing you, because it constantly needs to be pinging towers with your data to work right. Cops are taking advantage of this and intercepting those pings with their own decoy cell towers. Right off the bat they get your name, number, smartphone ID and an array of other subscriber information when they intercept it.
If I was in attendance, I would use one of those older school digital cameras -- enough modernity to get the photo in a digital format and USB transfer, but not connecting to the internet or storing user information; wiping the EXIF data on an image you plan to upload is also a smart move. A prepaid dumbphone specifically for protests would be employed for emergency.
It sounds like tinfoil hat-levels of paranoia, but the blue suits really are collecting and parsing this information and have arrested & charged people based on that evidence. Even at peaceful protests they're scraping that data -- only takes a few rogues in the government to begin weaponizing that info.
Whew. Wish more people were this paranoid. This is how you defeat them. You have to be like this. You have to look like a nutcase conspiracy theorist. This is how you have to live if you are a revolutionary. You have to assume the absolute worst all the time.
I am personally of the opinion a camera is not worth the risk. Possibly worth it in the scenario you are saying. Taking a camera and snapping when or if you see criminal acts by the police. I think it should just be discourage on general though. I think people who riot should be viewing cameras as taboo and snitch devices.
Filming the police beating up rioters isn't going to achieve a whole lot that eye witness accounts will not. If you believe the state is corrupt then no evidence is enough anyway. If you think it is good to document for the public to see, I would say that the optics of a riot make everyone look bad to the public. If the police are responding to violence with severe violence, the public will just side with the police.
It's a tough one because there are benefits. I just don't think it is worth it still. If everyone was super careful then cool, but they are not. Because of this you have to assume everyone is dry snitching for social media likes.
Nah dont listen to the OP, document all your mischiefs; make the world an unsafe place for the ruling class... if you can make a man afraid you can control his actions,, do what was done to you, show no mercy
Nah dont listen to the OP, document all your mischiefs; make the world an unsafe place for the ruling class... if you can make a man afraid you can control his actions,, do what was done to you, show no mercy
You might be the fbi lol
A riot being documented especially on a mass mainstream scale will always be looked at & demonized no matter what the reason or intent of said riot
The rioters will always be worst off