Yall think I can connect the ethernet cord up the attic and drill a hole in the ceiling and drop it down to the pc
my man said he tired of the lag
I wish I was part of the KTT2 club man but it's not meant to be
Nobody gonna know what those 3 letters stand for man
I wish I was part of the KTT2 club man but it's not meant to be
its okay Fries I still love you
Once I connect it I'll play with yall
not even gonna front I'm on wifi for the next couple months it is what it is, haven't faced any issues and haven't gotten any complaints either. if you have a viable way to hardwire then 100% go for it
drilling through your floor should be okay, I would just make sure you're not going through any wiring or pipes
grinded from iron to gold as ryu real warrior s***
feel like there's an absurd amount of Cammy's in silver though im done playing with them
gave marisa a break and played some ryu in ranked, encountered my first ragequit lmao
got ryu to plat, gonna switch back to marisa cus i wanna get her to diamond/master, then learn a new character
2 ranks down, people keep getting Perfects against me, I think my brain fell out of my head, I should stop playing
2 ranks down, people keep getting Perfects against me, I think my brain fell out of my head, I should stop playing
Yessir Manon fun to play as. I know I can learn to play better but I want to play other characters. One of the moves I need to throw out more is half circle forward punch. I watch other competitive players and they be doing that more than me
got ryu to plat, gonna switch back to marisa cus i wanna get her to diamond/master, then learn a new character
Need some Marisa tips. I’d say my spacing is really good
I feel bad for anyone grinding out of bronze/silver right now who is learning the game. You legit have to play an entirely different game and play it wrong to get to Gold where you can actually play with fundamentals.
Im on tilt so i'm playing single player games for a bit lmao. I'm stuck Gold 2 purgatory with Lily atm. I wanted to commit to her getting plat before I grind Manon to plat. Did a few placements with ryu and just wasn't feeling it. Even Ken i'm feeling meh on. Dont think i'm going to run shoto until Akuma is in or if Sakura comes back.
I feel bad for anyone grinding out of bronze/silver right now who is learning the game. You legit have to play an entirely different game and play it wrong to get to Gold where you can actually play with fundamentals.
lol I haven't started the grind at all and I am terrified but its about time for me to start