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  • Nuja 🫶🏾
    Jul 4, 2023

    lol I haven't started the grind at all and I am terrified but its about time for me to start

    If your placements are in at least Silver 3 or 4 I’d say the grind is less of a nightmare. Gotta go on ridiculous streaks to rank up but thankfully ranking down isn’t too bad. Also I think up until masters once you hit a specific rank (not the levels but like gold silver plat etc) you won’t rank down which makes you feel a lot better about lose streaks

  • Jul 4, 2023
    1 reply

    Need some Marisa tips. I’d say my spacing is really good

    after playing her since release id say the best way to play her is to always put yourself in a good position so that you can whiff punish your opponent and maximize the most out of that. charging gladius is also great since it has armor and you get a hard knockdown if it hits.

    most of her combos (especially with the help of drive rush) can drag opponents to the corner very quickly amd thats when shes the most dangerous lmao

    you're also gonna want to charge her normals like standing heavy punch/kick, back heavy punch and forward heavy kick because they drain your opponents drive meter very fast or if it hits on punish counter you can do nasty damage with it.

    its also worth mentioning to use her command grabs every now and then. i like to use it in the corner or after getting knockdown using drive rush and doing it there

  • Jul 4, 2023
    3 replies

    How long do you guys stay in the lab b4 trying out online play. I'm playing as juri and I know a good 2500 damage combo

  • Jul 4, 2023

    after playing her since release id say the best way to play her is to always put yourself in a good position so that you can whiff punish your opponent and maximize the most out of that. charging gladius is also great since it has armor and you get a hard knockdown if it hits.

    most of her combos (especially with the help of drive rush) can drag opponents to the corner very quickly amd thats when shes the most dangerous lmao

    you're also gonna want to charge her normals like standing heavy punch/kick, back heavy punch and forward heavy kick because they drain your opponents drive meter very fast or if it hits on punish counter you can do nasty damage with it.

    its also worth mentioning to use her command grabs every now and then. i like to use it in the corner or after getting knockdown using drive rush and doing it there

    Yeah I’ve been starting to use her command grab in the corner. After a combo and just casually jump light kick and do the command grab that’s half they health gone.

    Seems like people just try to bait out your dr in the corner so that’s a nasty play.

  • Jul 4, 2023
    2 replies

    How long do you guys stay in the lab b4 trying out online play. I'm playing as juri and I know a good 2500 damage combo

    Lab a couple hours then casual matches until I feel comfortable. Nigga you platinum why you asking us

  • Jul 4, 2023

    How long do you guys stay in the lab b4 trying out online play. I'm playing as juri and I know a good 2500 damage combo

    I haven’t really been in the lab that much. Only really spent 2 hours getting the feel , getting the bnbs down, the neutral game and the frame data for my fast moves and what’s plus on block.

    Ain’t really landed against matchups yet I’m just learning that with playing online.

    Although Marisa is easy to pick up . It would take me longer to learn say juri or dhalsim before I take them into rank because they are more trickier to get comfortable with

  • Jul 4, 2023

    How long do you guys stay in the lab b4 trying out online play. I'm playing as juri and I know a good 2500 damage combo

    like 2-3 hrs learning the bnb combos and longer for stronger combos. playing online helps as well even if you're ass at first

    also watch vids of good players playing ur characters and taking some cues from them

  • Jul 4, 2023
    1 reply

    lol I haven't started the grind at all and I am terrified but its about time for me to start

    you shoulda just did it right away while everyone was ass at the game lol

  • hayabusa

    you shoulda just did it right away while everyone was ass at the game lol

    you are not lying

  • Jul 4, 2023

    Lab a couple hours then casual matches until I feel comfortable. Nigga you platinum why you asking us

    just on one character lol idk the others


    Lab a couple hours then casual matches until I feel comfortable. Nigga you platinum why you asking us


  • Jul 4, 2023

    anyone here who started relatively inexperienced but has gotten a lot better since?

  • Jul 4, 2023
    1 reply

    Decided to hop on after a few days off and this s*** under maintenance

  • Jul 4, 2023

    I don't know if I'll ever reach Plat man


    Never doubt yourself, KTT2

  • Jul 5, 2023
    1 reply

    I’ve hit a wall at silver 5 .

  • rano 🇧🇷
    Jul 5, 2023
    2 replies

    wasnt gonna get this because non of my mains in but rashid looking sick

  • Jul 5, 2023
    1 reply

    wasnt gonna get this because non of my mains in but rashid looking sick

    Who’s your main?

  • rano 🇧🇷
    Jul 5, 2023

    Who’s your main?


  • Jul 6, 2023

    wasnt gonna get this because non of my mains in but rashid looking sick


  • Jul 6, 2023


  • Jul 6, 2023
    1 reply

    dont rly care for rashid but i just hope hes not as annoying as he was in 5

  • Jul 6, 2023

    Decided to hop on after a few days off and this s*** under maintenance

    bro that s*** was so annoying they did that s*** for 2 nights

  • Jul 6, 2023

    So you can get downranked from Platinum

    I'm gonna crawl back up to Plat then take a break from the game, it's VERY good but also extremely addictive, I've gotta do other stuff with my free time

  • Jul 6, 2023
    1 reply