this is the second round style wars not let’s learn how to dress 101 im not praising someone for finding clothes that fit him
My point is that it's a difficult thing to nail down and Milhouse has done that as well as anybody else I've seen here, I absolutely think that's worthy of praise and shouldn't be equated to just finding your shoe size
My point is that it's a difficult thing to nail down and Milhouse has done that as well as anybody else I've seen here, I absolutely think that's worthy of praise and shouldn't be equated to just finding your shoe size
you're absolutely right takti tweeking
this is serving serious tortoise vs hare energy lmaooo
1. is kinda random imo
2. is really nice, love the bright fresh green with the muted blues and purples. the windbreaker with the beanie n all in the colors u chose makes u look super everest ready, loves it. i like the shape of the overall outfit the best here
3 personal fave, the saturated ass orange makes the beige? sleeves look almost pinkish in comparison, really pretty
4. fire....the color coordination is so flawless
really like this set of fits, feel theyre a lot stronger than R1
i like the first fit a lot, the scarf and layerings rly pretty and v luxe
everything else is kinda eh to me tho: very i work in an office and am in my mid 20s going to work or graduate university student doing comp sci/law
not really feeling the fantasy
fit 3 was the weakest imo, feels rather random
again, milhouse was just a lot more ambitious with his fits imo
I just be lurking lol
And mostly just go thru OP instead of going thru threads
Oh I feel you
Hope to see you voting in some matches tho
I really like this fit.
ya... why do ppl think its controversial to think this outfits pretty
if u passed this man on the street ud do a double take and ask where he got his shirt
Round 2 not disappointing
Rate we're going this whole s*** finna be up in flames before we even finish the round sheesh
also.... the way he crossed his arms... he knows u know that he knows that u know he got that fit OFF
ya... why do ppl think its controversial to think this outfits pretty
if u passed this man on the street ud do a double take and ask where he got his shirt
It's just really clean and isn't doing too much.
his body does make him less fresh tbh
incoming hate, don’t care go cry to your mother. If y’all remember Quirk he had the same issue as well as OG sachee
My nigga you weird as hell