There is a difference between talking s*** about bodies and outfits
Tbh Travis should post a shirtless pic to prove he has no “excess tissue”
There is a difference between talking s*** about bodies and outfits
Tbh Travis should post a shirtless pic to prove he has no “excess tissue”
This man better be jacked the way he worried bout other niggas and bodies and s*** like wth
this one's tough...gonna go with travisbickle
no home runs or anything exciting but all the outfits are really well put together. scarves and shoes added a lot to the outfits and were perfectly chosen
milhouse's last two fits are nice but the first two are just alright. third fit almost doesn't work but it somehow does, might have won my vote in the 4th fit with different shoes
not about to rate other men's bodies, but want to point out that "proportions" doesn't just mean how the clothes fit the wearer, but also how they fit together
all milhouse fits clash and none of the pieces go well together apart from the last fit.
i wonder when ktt will realise its not just about colors and "versatility".
those werent travis bickles best fits but theres still lightyears between them in terms of excellence and style.
A trick that worked for me to better appreciate Milhouse fits is taking his head out of it. It instantly made the third and fourth fits a lot better.
Aside from that yea beyond color there’s not much else
Gonna go with trav
His pics didnt do his fits justice, like you really gotta zoom all the way in to see that dude got on blue socks in his loafer pic
Would have loved to seen more pics of the last fit, looks fye
A trick that worked for me to better appreciate Milhouse fits is taking his head out of it. It instantly made the third and fourth fits a lot better.
Aside from that yea beyond color there’s not much else
oh my god you piss me off so much. are you trolling or are you just a d*** i seriously cant tell
oh my god you piss me off so much. are you trolling or are you just a d*** i seriously cant tell
Cry me a river b****
This is the only internet fashion community where i see people obsess over the colors s***
Also the only one i seen where a normal top and bottom will have people tb proportions lol
A trick that worked for me to better appreciate Milhouse fits is taking his head out of it. It instantly made the third and fourth fits a lot better.
Aside from that yea beyond color there’s not much else
Thats not the problem for me. I’ve seen his fits for around 4 years now and when I look at his 2018 style wars fit I’m like... damn this dude really doing amazing and I don’t see it with his current fits anymore. The way I see it the current color and versatility obsession made him settle for weaker pieces (quantity over quality) and funky color mixes that just try to be different for the sake of it.
Asking everyone who thinks I’m a hater to go back to the ktt1 archives.
A trick that worked for me to better appreciate Milhouse fits is taking his head out of it. It instantly made the third and fourth fits a lot better.
Aside from that yea beyond color there’s not much else
you did that with your pics but obviously didnt help did it
his body does make him less fresh tbh
incoming hate, don’t care go cry to your mother. If y’all remember Quirk he had the same issue as well as OG sachee
This goin too far. He’s not dressed poorly or nothing he’s just learning and finding out what works for him and his stature which can be a lot harder depending on how far you fall out the range.
Like that little lumberjack/woodsman look he has going on in the third pic fits him well and looks p cool, now its just a matter of figuring out why and further developing it.
you did that with your pics but obviously didnt help did it
you did that with your pics but obviously didnt help did it
But if another person is tb the masks clashing then that’s a solution