I gotta give it to FIRM. all the fits are amazing, but those first and third fits are insane.
BMO also killed it though and personally speaking my taste is more similar to these fits. tough ass choice.
1. that sweater looks kinda frumpy on u, and the wideness of that pant doesnt help. i also think the mocs look really random w the fit, when i pretend theyre not there i feel it looks more cohesive overall
2. i dont mind this one--it doesnt stick out crazy to me, but the fit of everything looks really nice, and those shoes are an unexpected but good choice
3. feel the top and bottom half dont really work 2gether well, i think a darker shoe wlda helped bring em 2gether. also feel the jacket is a lil frumpy looking, maybe a more fitted pant wlda been a better balance
4. minor personal thing but i feel like a boot or something clda worked better here
loves it
i know u used the same shoe 3 times it seems but the outfits themselves are so different i dont mind at all
i like how u use pops of color, u have one fun piece that is of a lot of visual interest and everything helps support that piece
i liked fit 1 the best,
the pants r so cool, and that jacket is nice 2
BMO's second fit might be my favorite of style wars so far
Firmaments went hard 2, think this is my favorite round so far
first fit from firm is sooo good but overall imma have to go with BMO
my fave collection of fits from an individual so far