idc about the loafers but the boots and derbies suck ass
trash quality at a price you'd expect at least decent quality from, awful shape (better on 1461 monos), wear terribly, bad qc, bad cultural association with lame art kids or skinheads. there is not one fit with doc martens of any kind that wouldn't be better with any other shoe/boot
Go outside jesus christ
I think @mythic_ down too
For anyone who's not familiar this would be a series of one off matches so it's great for anyone that wants to give battles a try, think we only did three fits from each person per match last time
@dinghysailor this could be a good look for you
@chasewalked we could get your t-shirt pants shoe fit idea in here possibly
@Majestiq is in!!!
might need a rain check on my admission if these are the kind of fits were seeing, got some major levelling to do if this round is any indication
gonna let this round simmer for a minute, these fits
Fav match so far; two of the flyest in the section
Going with Anna — on some runway s*** fr. Might be best dressed on here tbh
im vote satan
that first fit has super cool lady from matrix meets current fashion vibes and its my fave
love ur second last fit, the orange cropped jacket thing is super cool
paired w the hoodie under it looks almsot like one of those quarter zip fleeces, but when u look its actually not
last fit also fun, love the vest over the dress shirt--fun play on the whole three piece suit thing
i like how sharp and angular n crisp a lot of ur stuff is
the last fit has some super cool textures, the knit with the vertical lines constrasted with the random crosshatching of the lines created by the wrinkles is cool
and the first fit i like how the line created by ur bag is parallel with the line created by the sleeve of the jacket u hav arnd ur waist, even if that is probably like... v much by chance the lines r so aligned
i just liked that matrix fantasy look the best so thats my vote
aye im glad you caught the three piece reference
Fav match so far; two of the flyest in the section
Going with Anna — on some runway s*** fr. Might be best dressed on here tbh
Anak Anna
oh so nothing against those loafers specifically but just the brand itself
thought you really didnt like green shoes or sth lol
Oh no I think them s***s ugly as f*** but he doing him can't hate on it
I think @mythic_ down too
For anyone who's not familiar this would be a series of one off matches so it's great for anyone that wants to give battles a try, think we only did three fits from each person per match last time
@dinghysailor this could be a good look for you
@chasewalked we could get your t-shirt pants shoe fit idea in here possibly
@Majestiq is in!!!
m down
or... summer edition