Crying if you trying to boil that man @HXNS style down to that
I just looked at his fits again and you ain't ready if you thinking like that!
bro wearing all rick and undercover and gonna call out ppl for being unoriginal
I hate AlwaysFreshApparel with a fiery passion, but I'm gonna have to go with SUPERHANS.
Chase got em chirping already, this gonna be a great style wars
You got mine right?
You got mine right?
Yup! Thank you for checking, I really appreciate that
I respect it
will learn from this
Don’t listen to him you’re swaggin, this is hypocritical of me cause Kiko lmao but you don’t have to wear one or two designers to have “cohesive style” Just because it’s not uniform doesn’t make it bad or not a good display of your own style cause that’s all on you
You’re obviously dressed well and you seem to enjoy what you wear so who really cares
I fw your style but I feel like adding more color could elevate your fits if you’re into that
Good fits tho strong first round
Remember to bold your votes—just do ** on either side of whatever you want bolded
Makes it easier to count.
Remember to bold your votes—just do ** on either side of whatever you want bolded
Makes it easier to count.
Never knew how to my bad
Never knew how to my bad
Nah your good that’s why I posted a reminder
Never knew how to my bad
You and @p_p and everyone else that hasn't bolded them are good, it does make it easier but that's not something I'd expect people to just know
Just glad that it's started and people are in here voting
@Vox always puttin in work for the fashion forum
all fits fire af but gotta go with superhans for the colors
Have to vote for me but
Hans got me with these color fits cant lie. is that a Bare Knuckles red sweater or the sangiev one?
superhans but I must say Indigo’s 3rd fit hella nice, the detailing on that coat sheesh
Even though he tried to steal my editing style and is now trying to steal my name...
I’m going with superClem
Really enjoyed indigos 1st 3rd and 4th fit
But i gotta give it up to superhans
the kiko and craigy fit + use of colors >>>