Since the roster is filling up let’s get final confirmation—is everyone cool with people using fits from WDYWT and/or fits they’ve worn previously?
If people are too busy to snap up but they have fits stacked, works out the same for me. What does everyone else think?
@Vox @chasewalked
Since the roster is filling up let’s get final confirmation—is everyone cool with people using fits from WDYWT and/or fits they’ve worn previously?
If people are too busy to snap up but they have fits stacked, works out the same for me. What does everyone else think?
@Vox @chasewalked
if we're only doing two a round might as well make it new fits only imo
Two fits a round it better be only new fits... if you want repeats make it one old + two new but putting up repeats should not be mandatory
there used to be a whatsapp group chat for style wars, we still doing that?
Hell nah
Keep it all here
2 new fits per round is good. 2 per round would mean 10 fits in total at most… If you can’t come up with 10 fits at the very least you shouldn’t be in.
For quarters and finals you could do 3/4 of which 1/2 is a repeat if desired.
Two fits a round it better be only new fits... if you want repeats make it one old + two new but putting up repeats should not be mandatory
@jongpong 👀👀👀👀👀
if we're only doing two a round might as well make it new fits only imo
So you guys mean I can’t post anything I’ve ever posted in WDYWT?
So you guys mean I can’t post anything I’ve ever posted in WDYWT?
honestly if you wanted to have like former champion privilege of posting fits from WDYWT I personally wouldn't mind lol
honestly if you wanted to have like former champion privilege of posting fits from WDYWT I personally wouldn't mind lol
u rlly not bout to defend your title?🤧
honestly if you wanted to have like former champion privilege of posting fits from WDYWT I personally wouldn't mind lol
absolutely not. this a level playing field
I’ll consider it
ill edit u as the dude in the middle of the banner if u do
absolutely not. this a level playing field
either everyone can use wdywt fits or no one can
no wdywt fits being used for sw = wdywt dying off a bit during sw
honestly if you wanted to have like former champion privilege of posting fits from WDYWT I personally wouldn't mind lol
If you cant outdo what someone has already done why enter in the first place