paging @travis_bickle
illest, Woody and ROE some of my biggest inspo from times
edit: @RootofEvil get in
I’ll consider it
He's banned
illest, Woody and ROE some of my biggest inspo from times
edit: @RootofEvil get in
u not playing?
u not playing?
I was just thinking man, with 2 fits rounds I might just be able to find time for this
edit: @Vox I want in
when lineup was already strong as hell and then CLB BMO, MAJESTIQ, 36INSEAM, SATAN, ARGEW, and CHUN got added
I was just thinking man, with 2 fits rounds I might just be able to find time for this
edit: @Vox I want in
I was just thinking man, with 2 fits rounds I might just be able to find time for this
edit: @Vox I want in
What does this mean
Gary Givenchy (formerly known as lastcall) won style wars in 2017
Need @HXNS to participate so we got the last 4 SW champs to be in this b**** 👀
f*** it when my pants come in the mail ill post a fit 😝
Keep applying that pressure
Need @HXNS to participate so we got the last 4 SW champs to be in this b**** 👀
Since the roster is filling up let’s get final confirmation—is everyone cool with people using fits from WDYWT and/or fits they’ve worn previously?
If people are too busy to snap up but they have fits stacked, works out the same for me. What does everyone else think?
@Vox @chasewalked
I'm okay with reusing fits but there have to be at least half new fits imo
2 new fits per round is good. 2 per round would mean 10 fits in total at most… If you can’t come up with 10 fits at the very least you shouldn’t be in.
For quarters and finals you could do 3/4 of which 1/2 is a repeat if desired.