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  • Apr 17, 2022
    1 reply

    I have my opinion but it's always best to seek professional help. KTT2 may be good venting but don't expect nothing else.

  • Apr 18, 2022

    I have my opinion but it's always best to seek professional help. KTT2 may be good venting but don't expect nothing else.

    I'm curious about your opinion king

  • Apr 18, 2022
    math fifty

    Nah son you need to leave now

  • Apr 18, 2022

    op a good dude, I'd be gaslighting her back lmao

    using suicide like that is disgraceful


  • Apr 18, 2022

    Move out asap. Consider your own safety.

    You guys separating might force her to get her s*** together.

    Also she should get therapy ASAP.

  • Nuja 🫶🏾
    Apr 18, 2022
    1 reply

    I’m going to tell you this from personal experience dating someone like this. When the script is flipped and she’s in a better place/mindset and you’re having a hard time she won’t hesitate to f*** you over and leave you on your ass for a more convenient situation. This applies for men and women ofc. Anyone who shows their ass at their lowest while you try to help mental health or not will not extend the same curtesy to you in reversed roles. Your ex lashes out because she thinks/knows she can get away with it. If you did the same it would be unacceptable behavior. She would tell you you’re on your own.

    I’m not suggesting you just leave her assed out with nothing, but you wouldn’t be wrong to do so if she’s that toxic. Only you truly know the depth of your situation to gauge if she’s worth helping or if it’s better for your own sanity and mental health to get away from her.

    Nothing hurts worse than being there for someone at their lowest and the minute they get slightly above water they hop in a boat with someone else and kick you in the water to drown. Ultimately just make sure anything you do doesn’t put you in a worse situation.

  • Apr 18, 2022

    Your first job is to take care of you. Don’t slow your life down for others. Help where you can but at a certain point she is grown and her life is on her. I suggest leaving after the lease and letting her figure it out. Coddling her isn’t helping anyone. She’s going to have to figure it out for herself.

  • Apr 20, 2022
    1 reply

    I’m going to tell you this from personal experience dating someone like this. When the script is flipped and she’s in a better place/mindset and you’re having a hard time she won’t hesitate to f*** you over and leave you on your ass for a more convenient situation. This applies for men and women ofc. Anyone who shows their ass at their lowest while you try to help mental health or not will not extend the same curtesy to you in reversed roles. Your ex lashes out because she thinks/knows she can get away with it. If you did the same it would be unacceptable behavior. She would tell you you’re on your own.

    I’m not suggesting you just leave her assed out with nothing, but you wouldn’t be wrong to do so if she’s that toxic. Only you truly know the depth of your situation to gauge if she’s worth helping or if it’s better for your own sanity and mental health to get away from her.

    Nothing hurts worse than being there for someone at their lowest and the minute they get slightly above water they hop in a boat with someone else and kick you in the water to drown. Ultimately just make sure anything you do doesn’t put you in a worse situation.

    There’s been a lot of times where I would think if she had the opportunity to leave for a better situation, she would. I’m not sure if that’s my insecurity or just something that’s real. I just don’t know what’s reality anymore because she calls me abusive and toxic and I don’t know if that’s real or she’s just trying to make herself feel less s***ty the way she treats me. When we stop arguing she says I’m not abusive or whatever but it just f***s up my mental and makes me feel like a s***ty person when I’m putting my all into someone who isn’t reciprocating it. Obviously no one on here is gonna know how the situation is, just using this for venting I guess because I been going crazy

  • Nuja 🫶🏾
    Apr 20, 2022
    1 reply

    There’s been a lot of times where I would think if she had the opportunity to leave for a better situation, she would. I’m not sure if that’s my insecurity or just something that’s real. I just don’t know what’s reality anymore because she calls me abusive and toxic and I don’t know if that’s real or she’s just trying to make herself feel less s***ty the way she treats me. When we stop arguing she says I’m not abusive or whatever but it just f***s up my mental and makes me feel like a s***ty person when I’m putting my all into someone who isn’t reciprocating it. Obviously no one on here is gonna know how the situation is, just using this for venting I guess because I been going crazy

    If everything you’ve said so far is accurate it sounds very much like you’re being gaslit fam. I was right where you are. My ex constantly told me I was doing s*** that I wasn’t but because I didn’t want to be problematic I just took it in as her being right and me needing to reflect. She did the same s*** she constantly accused me of or did s*** she wouldn’t like then would say “the dynamics are different.” Even more so she constantly kept creating a scenario where I left her for someone else who was more convenient for me and it’s what she ended up doing. Point is she was manipulative as f*** and I didn’t really grasp it all until it was over and how unhappy we both were. But I clung on to that s*** because I wanted to believe I was the problem and could fix it. And I was scared of her hurting herself if I left because she was very mentally unwell (and constantly told me she khs without me). When she dipped I never once heard from her again. Still haven’t till this day despite us having been engaged it was over like it never happened. By everything you’ve explained of your ex she sounds just like mine. I could be wrong and she not do any of this but it just all seems way too familiar, so I say move with caution. Ultimately you have to truly reflect on your behavior. Distinguish what’s you and what’s being fabricated or exaggerated. Hardest thing to do is look in the mirror, it’s a lot harder when you’re not sure which reflection is real. Manipulation is complicated because even when you’re self aware it’s happening you still question things.

  • Apr 21, 2022

    If everything you’ve said so far is accurate it sounds very much like you’re being gaslit fam. I was right where you are. My ex constantly told me I was doing s*** that I wasn’t but because I didn’t want to be problematic I just took it in as her being right and me needing to reflect. She did the same s*** she constantly accused me of or did s*** she wouldn’t like then would say “the dynamics are different.” Even more so she constantly kept creating a scenario where I left her for someone else who was more convenient for me and it’s what she ended up doing. Point is she was manipulative as f*** and I didn’t really grasp it all until it was over and how unhappy we both were. But I clung on to that s*** because I wanted to believe I was the problem and could fix it. And I was scared of her hurting herself if I left because she was very mentally unwell (and constantly told me she khs without me). When she dipped I never once heard from her again. Still haven’t till this day despite us having been engaged it was over like it never happened. By everything you’ve explained of your ex she sounds just like mine. I could be wrong and she not do any of this but it just all seems way too familiar, so I say move with caution. Ultimately you have to truly reflect on your behavior. Distinguish what’s you and what’s being fabricated or exaggerated. Hardest thing to do is look in the mirror, it’s a lot harder when you’re not sure which reflection is real. Manipulation is complicated because even when you’re self aware it’s happening you still question things.

    Damn bro I’m sorry you been going through all that.. I try to think of this happening as a positive thing so I understand what I want in a romantic sense so maybe that can be a positive you take away from your situation as well because I know there isn’t a lot of good takeaways lol but yeah man I’m in the stage right now where I’m trying to look in the mirror and I think I understand who I am as a person and what my flaws are and I think I’m a good person that is trying to grow and then I’m called an abuser, narcissist, etc and just don’t know if my ego is too big to admit these things or if she is just belittling me and gaslighting me to make herself feel better and to maintain control

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