Like he got redeemed in Snyder cut huh?
Snyder gave Leto too much freedom via improv, Ayer's vision will show us what was in store.
When the Ayer Cut is announced post here and I'll update the new thread with info @Antidote
Bump for what?
Ayer showed the cut to a fan n theres gonna be another trending event on november 5th
Ayer showed the cut to a fan n theres gonna be another trending event on november 5th
Won't respect Snyder until he puts y'all on to therapy
This ain't about Snyder, back to JL thread
New video clip we getting this bro
When we getting this bro
Dude got a chance to see Ayer'd cut of the movie last year, says it's finally different and a better film overall.
2 hours 24 minutes
Studio cut they made in secret behind his back/without his knowledge
June Moon/Enchantress has a better arc, movie starts primarily with June
Every character has a meaningful arc
Diablo doesn't die
Joker more brutal and abusive
Batfleck in the film more substantially, connects BvS to JL/ZSJL
Scott Eastwood plays a more important role
Deadshot dynamic with daughter more significant
All score, no soundtrack
From 14:50 minutes on he begins to talk about it for about 10-15 minutes