Script leaked 😳
Couple of pages in, and THIS the Ayer cut we supposed to be clamoring for? Bruh...
Script leaked 😳
This is really really bad
Script leaked 😳
Classic otw
Only 10 pages in and there’s isn’t a huge difference so far. Can’t remember if the spelunking opening was in the theatrical version but the Harley & Deadshot introductions + flashbacks are the same
Script leaked 😳
Excuse me I work for dc and you are leaking confidential information come with us
Ayer confirmed also the six weeks of screenwriting for modifications after Steppenwolf was cut from the movie
Script leaked 😳
if superman legacy script leaked u would be hall patroling the whole website reporting anybody who post link smh
if superman legacy script leaked u would be hall patroling the whole website reporting anybody who post link smh
if superman legacy script leaked u would be hall patroling the whole website reporting anybody who post link smh
I wouldn’t lmao
new ayer cut scene
This is exactly like the theatrical cut
new ayer cut scene
Extended edition scene cope brother
Extended edition scene cope brother
i havent watched yet i been busy jus seen they posted it
havent seen this movie since it dvd but jus watched bar scene again and damn i like these characters way more than gunns tss cast but overall gunns movie was better obviously but damn this had crazy potential fosho
new ayer cut scene
One of the best scenes in the movie if not the best scene. Crazy they cut this up
if they release the ayer cut i hope to god it doesn't use so many goddamn songs. like songs every f***ing scene damn near. like chill out bruh
if they release the ayer cut i hope to god it doesn't use so many goddamn songs. like songs every f***ing scene damn near. like chill out bruh
it doesnt, it has an original score
wb let the trailer company edit the movie because the trailer was so viral with the queen song
so they jus threw abunch of songs in there trying to replicate guardians of the galaxy but failing miserably