    Mar 7, 2023

    of course you don't address the photo lol

    why would I? it's misleading

  • Mar 7, 2023
    2 replies
    kyzer kta

    i just destroyed your argument but ok

    You’ve tried to change my argument multiple times. I’ve seen everything from Lil Wayne to Ozzy Osborne mentioned but no one can just show the evidence? This supposed glut of Billboard rappers flagrantly repping pentagrams etc on MTV… I simply don’t remember it, and either does YouTube! Funny that!

  • Mar 7, 2023
    1 reply

    But on topic, Uzi and all the satanists are just angsty edgelords trying to be different.

    You're anti Christianity/Abrahamic religions yet you worship a figure who originated from those religions? Just be atheist and stfu.

    The Satanic Temple doesn't worship Satan, its a political group that exposes the hypocrisy of religion particularly in the US and separation of church and state.

    The Church of Satan is similar, where they don't worship or believe in Satan but in defiance against the views of religions that do.

  • Mar 7, 2023
    1 reply

    You’ve tried to change my argument multiple times. I’ve seen everything from Lil Wayne to Ozzy Osborne mentioned but no one can just show the evidence? This supposed glut of Billboard rappers flagrantly repping pentagrams etc on MTV… I simply don’t remember it, and either does YouTube! Funny that!

    man what

  • Mar 7, 2023
    1 reply

    You’ve tried to change my argument multiple times. I’ve seen everything from Lil Wayne to Ozzy Osborne mentioned but no one can just show the evidence? This supposed glut of Billboard rappers flagrantly repping pentagrams etc on MTV… I simply don’t remember it, and either does YouTube! Funny that!

  • Mar 7, 2023
    1 reply

    The Satanic Temple doesn't worship Satan, its a political group that exposes the hypocrisy of religion particularly in the US and separation of church and state.

    The Church of Satan is similar, where they don't worship or believe in Satan but in defiance against the views of religions that do.

  • Mar 7, 2023

  • Mar 7, 2023
    1 reply
    kyzer kta

    man what

    Just forget this thread for a second.

    Imagine I asked you to show me a Billboard charting rap video from the pre-Drake era that had HALF the devil imagery as the Montero video.

    Show me a Billboard charting rapper whose chosen aesthetic was even HALF as demonic as Uzi’s while he’s out there channeling Marilyn Manson, the “Antichrist Superstar”?

    I can’t think of f***ing any!

  • Mar 7, 2023


  • Mar 7, 2023
    1 reply

    im curious
    when was the last time yall seen an actual satanist doing some crazy s*** in the news

  • Mar 7, 2023

    they honestly seem like pretty tolerant people

  • Mar 7, 2023
    1 reply

    I conquered this thread

  • Mar 7, 2023
    1 reply

    Danzig of our generation

  • Mar 7, 2023
    6 replies

    how come so many people believe in stuff like demons lol

  • Ottmar

    how come so many people believe in stuff like demons lol


  • Mar 7, 2023
    1 reply

    how come so many people believe in stuff like demons lol

    bc life wouldn't be as fun without demons and dieties to believe in / worship. I think that stuff is real personally but not in the way that all demons are evil monsters & will eat your soul to make you famous. I think it's a bit more complicated than that surface belief a lot of ppl have

  • Ottmar

    how come so many people believe in stuff like demons lol

    They see and talk to them (allegedly it’s not funny or cute)

  • Mar 7, 2023
    1 reply

    Just forget this thread for a second.

    Imagine I asked you to show me a Billboard charting rap video from the pre-Drake era that had HALF the devil imagery as the Montero video.

    Show me a Billboard charting rapper whose chosen aesthetic was even HALF as demonic as Uzi’s while he’s out there channeling Marilyn Manson, the “Antichrist Superstar”?

    I can’t think of f***ing any!

    i'm at work but this is just so short sighted

  • Mar 7, 2023

    The thing that’s so bothersome
    about this to me is that my questions should be square one for anyone who wants to discuss Summer’s point of view here. She’s talking about a trend right? She’s not talking about an album cut or a b side or a press photo. She’s talking about one of rap’s biggest icons right now. Try to follow along.

  • Mar 7, 2023
    1 reply
    kyzer kta

    i'm at work but this is just so short sighted

    Man f*** you

  • Mar 7, 2023

    She’s a great artist but god she be sayin anything

  • Mar 7, 2023
    2 replies

    how come so many people believe in stuff like demons lol

    cause contrary to what secularists and atheists want you to think, evil does exist

  • Mar 7, 2023
    1 reply

    “just cause they say it’s a bridge doesn’t mean it’s a bridge, it’s a park over a body of water”

    similarly, if you’re peeking into your room while im f***ing your w**** of a mother, unless you actually remove the covers to see me f***ing her, you cannot wholly logically deduce that it is particularly me f***ing her, just because i simply said it, you don’t have enough evidence

    i hope that makes sense

    wow ur really mad huh? Bro is resorting to f***ing your mom jokes. Very mature. At this point, you just sound like a sore loser

  • Mar 7, 2023

    Man f*** you

    you are a cock holster

  • Mar 7, 2023
    1 reply

    cause contrary to what secularists and atheists want you to think, evil does exist

    Bro thinks demons invented evil
