  • coli thread

  • Nov 29, 2020

    But why don’t women share any of the negative stigma? Why is it completely placed on black men? Why can’t women make better choices with regards to choosing sexual partners? Again, the onus is truly on the woman because s***cannot occur without her consent.

    They do, black women are always clowned for being baby mamas, unmarried, choosing deadbeats and get ridiculed and shamed and sometimes killed for rejecting men who show red flags and toxicity .. some are conditioned to settle for less due to the lack of available options and even feel less than due to society ridiculing their looks and feeling unwanted so they accept the bare minimum and when they want better options they still get ridiculed .. and young unguided black kids grow up idolizing male figures who are womanizers so they grow up and create multiple kids they have no plans to be there for.

    That’s why strong fatherly and motherly guidance is important in kids and why .. parents can’t lead by example, if black kids aren’t given a good example to follow. The problem starts with both black men and women.

    Me and my siblings (especially my sister) were always told by our dad , “don’t marry anyone who wasn’t raised with both parents in their lives.. older brother married with two kids by the same woman, sis is married no kids, me not married no kids, and in a long term relationship because ... FATHERLY GUIDANCE

  • allmygirlsdoyoga

    Exactly! But that’s not only on niggas! A lot of that is on the women too.

    It’s both, weirdo 50/50 considering it takes two people.

  • Nov 29, 2020

    Girls will f*** around and allow themselves to get knocked up by some bum ass dude then blame everyone and the world except themselves lmfao


  • Nov 29, 2020

    She needs her ass so bad but I understand that she’s ignorant and this is her gimmick

  • Long Live Minerva

    He came in so incorrect oh lord

    I love s*** like this. Someone needs to teach a social media etiquette class. I guess I got lucky with good instinct. I would never go on a live ig and be like “ time for me to rap. Listen to this & give me my hood pass “

  • Nov 29, 2020
    1 reply

    True, I could see the hyprocrisy when you frame it that way. I guess what I was trying to get across is that human trafficking is an issue affecting all women, but especially Black women & Police Brutality affects Black men mostly, but all Black people are affected by it. I could've been more clear about that.

    And I agree, different groups see unique forms of oppression that shouldn't be ignored. However, I would argue that most issues Black men face, Black women face as well. Meanwhile, there are a lot of issues that Black women face due to their intersecting identities that make them victims of sexism and racism that Black men will never face

    That's kind of where the issue lies. Many issues Black men speak out on, Black women also speak out on because they struggle with it as well. However, there are issues Black women speak out on that Black men don't because they never have to experience it. My point is that the men itt attacking Black women because they're "generalizing all Black men" should have the same energy when Black mothers have the highest birth-mortality rate

    However, I would argue that most issues Black men face, Black women face as well. Meanwhile, there are a lot of issues that Black women face due to their intersecting identities that make them victims of sexism and racism that Black men will never face

    I disagree, I think this is an approach to this situation that's wildly influenced by white feminism imo

    In your claims, you're situating problems whose victims are black men as a black issue while situating problems whose victims are black women as a black+women issue and the reasoning behind that is that the issues black men face are supposedly faced by the entire black community while issues black women face are supposedly only reserved for them.

    Let's look at the two issues we already used: police violence and human trafficking. It's true that black women are disproportionally affected by human trafficking since 40% of trafficking victims are black people, over 60% of all trafficking victims are women and 94% of s***trafficking victims are women. But on the other hand, we can also see that black men are disproportionally affected by police violence since in the US black men between 25 and 29 yo are killed by the police at a rate between 2.8 and 4.1 per 100000 meanwhile it's at 0.12 per 100000 for black women between 25 and 29.

    So what I can see here is that for those two issues at least, your reasoning isn't backed by data at all

  • Nov 29, 2020
    1 reply

    Bro please tell me this is fake

  • Nov 29, 2020
    1 reply
    PARTY Gets Me Wetr

    Bro please tell me this is fake

    its definitely real

  • Nov 29, 2020
    1 reply

    its definitely real

    Nah bro

    You almost had me

  • Nov 29, 2020

    the Singh bot really came through with another slapper

  • Nov 29, 2020
    1 reply
    red eagle

    However, I would argue that most issues Black men face, Black women face as well. Meanwhile, there are a lot of issues that Black women face due to their intersecting identities that make them victims of sexism and racism that Black men will never face

    I disagree, I think this is an approach to this situation that's wildly influenced by white feminism imo

    In your claims, you're situating problems whose victims are black men as a black issue while situating problems whose victims are black women as a black+women issue and the reasoning behind that is that the issues black men face are supposedly faced by the entire black community while issues black women face are supposedly only reserved for them.

    Let's look at the two issues we already used: police violence and human trafficking. It's true that black women are disproportionally affected by human trafficking since 40% of trafficking victims are black people, over 60% of all trafficking victims are women and 94% of s***trafficking victims are women. But on the other hand, we can also see that black men are disproportionally affected by police violence since in the US black men between 25 and 29 yo are killed by the police at a rate between 2.8 and 4.1 per 100000 meanwhile it's at 0.12 per 100000 for black women between 25 and 29.

    So what I can see here is that for those two issues at least, your reasoning isn't backed by data at all

    Quotes from the study you linked:

    "Black women and men and American Indian and Alaska Native women and men are significantly more likely than white women and men to be killed by police."

    "Black women are about 1.4 times more likely to be killed by police than are white women."

    "Among women and girls, black women’s and American Indian/Alaska Native women’s risk is highest"

    It also cited an article titled "Invisible No More: Police Violence Against Black Women and Women of Color"

    So as I said before, though police brutality affects Black Men the most, it is a Black issue as a whole. The same way that human trafficking is an issue that affects all women, but especially Black women

  • Nov 29, 2020
    PARTY Gets Me Wetr

    Nah bro

    You almost had me

    Its real thats just not her

  • Nov 29, 2020

    Who cares make better songs

  • Lurkers itt be like

  • Nov 29, 2020

    How black men getting slandered for her stupidity? She knew what type of father he was beforehand cause he has other kids and she still stayed. Foh

  • Nov 29, 2020
    1 reply

    Quotes from the study you linked:

    "Black women and men and American Indian and Alaska Native women and men are significantly more likely than white women and men to be killed by police."

    "Black women are about 1.4 times more likely to be killed by police than are white women."

    "Among women and girls, black women’s and American Indian/Alaska Native women’s risk is highest"

    It also cited an article titled "Invisible No More: Police Violence Against Black Women and Women of Color"

    So as I said before, though police brutality affects Black Men the most, it is a Black issue as a whole. The same way that human trafficking is an issue that affects all women, but especially Black women

    Bro don't take it the wrong way but I truly have a hard time with deciding if you're missing my point on purpose or if you just can't see the obvious

    I've never said that black women see the same rate of police violence as other women (especially the whites), I already know that's false. What I'm telling you is that black men die from the police's hands at 23 to 34x the rate of black women. It's the same way with human trafficking, just like black women are disproportionately affected by police violence compared to white women, black men boys are disproportionately trafficking victims compared to white men and boys.

    You're comparing the numbers between black women and other races of women when it's a problem that primarily touches black men but you decide to compare the numbers between black women and black men when it's a problem that primarily touches black women

    If I used the same line of reasoning as you did with the police violence matter, I'd end up saying that though human trafficking affects black women the most, it's a black issue as a whole since black men and boys are disproportionately affected by it compared to white men and boys

  • Nov 29, 2020

    @EMY nigga ima beat your ass for taking my screenshots to thecoli and making a hit thread.

    But great points were made in the thread

  • Nov 29, 2020
    1 reply

    He gonna beat the baby out of her 👶 🗑

  • Nov 29, 2020
    red eagle

    Bro don't take it the wrong way but I truly have a hard time with deciding if you're missing my point on purpose or if you just can't see the obvious

    I've never said that black women see the same rate of police violence as other women (especially the whites), I already know that's false. What I'm telling you is that black men die from the police's hands at 23 to 34x the rate of black women. It's the same way with human trafficking, just like black women are disproportionately affected by police violence compared to white women, black men boys are disproportionately trafficking victims compared to white men and boys.

    You're comparing the numbers between black women and other races of women when it's a problem that primarily touches black men but you decide to compare the numbers between black women and black men when it's a problem that primarily touches black women

    If I used the same line of reasoning as you did with the police violence matter, I'd end up saying that though human trafficking affects black women the most, it's a black issue as a whole since black men and boys are disproportionately affected by it compared to white men and boys

    I mean, yeah, I'd say that human trafficking is a Black issue as a whole rather than a Black women's issue

    My responses weren't meant to downplay Black, male trafficking victims (though looking back, I did say "Black men would NEVER face" so that's my bad.) The reason I was compairing women-to-men was because I was trying to prove that police violence was a Black issue, not just a Black male issue, if that makes sense

    My point was that when the problem mostly affects Black women, Black men don't neccesarily speak out against it as much

  • Nov 29, 2020

    He gonna beat the baby out of her 👶 🗑

  • Nov 29, 2020

    bro im eating this is disgusting

  • Nov 29, 2020


  • Nov 29, 2020

    There’s plenty of good black men out there, but a lot of good black men get overshadowed because they’re not “thug” or “street” enough and women would rather get knocked up by the bum who leaves them with a kid

    u rly typed this out and got 17 likes lmao
