the t shirt is cracking me up not sure if I can wear this in public, gonna have to see how the final product turns out
the t shirt is cracking me up not sure if I can wear this in public, gonna have to see how the final product turns out
ye ngl that s*** looks silly
that blurb got me hype as s***
this new album is about to be the one, i feel it in my loins
Gira's on IG saying it's their best live album next to Swans Are Dead
He's usually so harsh when describing his own work. This is gonna be a killer album
@op The site is a little confusing, but I think there's actually 1300 USB drives available, because options 2-6 all include the drive.
@op The site is a little confusing, but I think there's actually 1300 USB drives available, because options 2-6 all include the drive.
This was my bad, I only counted options 2-3
This was my bad, I only counted options 2-3
Easy mistake to make considering it's only listed in the option titles for options 2 and 3. When you read the descriptions for each option it says it's included with everything above the 1st option though.
Swans are goat but the deeper I got into their career the more it just sounded like the same type of epic moaning through all their 25 minutes songs. Need to give the last handful a respectful revisit.
Gira's on IG saying it's their best live album next to Swans Are Dead
*Darth Gira (or Dark Lord Gira)
Swans are goat but the deeper I got into their career the more it just sounded like the same type of epic moaning through all their 25 minutes songs. Need to give the last handful a respectful revisit.
I feel like a lot of people would kill me for this but The Glowing Man to me feels way too Trilogy-By-Numbers, Leaving Meaning and The Beggar have been a welcome change of pace, and apparently their new stuff is really something special
Swans are goat but the deeper I got into their career the more it just sounded like the same type of epic moaning through all their 25 minutes songs. Need to give the last handful a respectful revisit.
yeah ur gonna have to run it back
i've finally dove into some of the bands 80s work and have developed a newfound appreciation for public castration and cop
Lunacy was the credits theme for the newest episode of The Penguin
Music supervisors should be fired, wrong bird
Live Rope leaked on instagram music. I think I’m gonna wait til it actually gets delivered because the instagram rips are not the best quality apparently. This also makes it seem like this is dropping on streaming which is strange considering the whole point of the fundraiser reward was the exclusivity of the album. Kinda wish I wouldn’t have got the USB tier now lol.
Live Rope leaked on instagram music. I think I’m gonna wait til it actually gets delivered because the instagram rips are not the best quality apparently. This also makes it seem like this is dropping on streaming which is strange considering the whole point of the fundraiser reward was the exclusivity of the album. Kinda wish I wouldn’t have got the USB tier now lol.
saw a 52 minute Beggar
need to get back on the d**** ASAP
saw a 52 minute Beggar
need to get back on the d**** ASAP
Full album is like 3 hours