you got the rip?
Yeah I got you. It’s not tagged like this but I’ll DM it. The USB came in two massive wav files so somebody cut it up.
Crazy I’m going on a swans kick right now and a new album coming out soon also the burning world is a great album f*** the haters
Yeah I got you. It’s not tagged like this but I’ll DM it. The USB came in two massive wav files so somebody cut it up.
Hey brother, can you hook me up?
Wow @Orangutan, Sue Hanel in the banner is so real
That's my evening sorted, much appreciated dude
Anytime. Live Rope is an absolute behemoth, enjoy.
Yeah I got you. It’s not tagged like this but I’ll DM it. The USB came in two massive wav files so somebody cut it up.
Could you send that my way over as well please
Just listen to this thing, if you're a Swans fan just listen to this thing
I can't say everything I want to say because I don't want to spoil the experience for other people, all I will say is that somehow Gira sounds 20 years younger, these are some of his best vocal performances ever
He brought the mojo back from the soil, this could be their best release since To Be Kind
Hyped didn’t know there was a new record coming out
The Beggar was pretty good but I wish the whole album was more like the 40 minute sound collage song toward the end, reminded me of Sountracks for the Blind