Ok say less Imma check em out I already started
Hell yeah brother
Only their first album isn't like 10/10
Mezmerize > Hypnotize right? need to see yall discog rankings
I also take mesmerize but lonely day is like a top 5 song of theirs
I also take mesmerize but lonely day is like a top 5 song of theirs
fair. Their self titled is atleast a 9/10
Mezmerize > Hypnotize right? need to see yall discog rankings
Idek if I can rank them, you could put Toxicity, Steal this Album, Mezmerize and Hypnotize in any order and i'd be fine w it as long as their s/t is in 5th
Also Serj first solo album is one of my all time favorites as well
We are going to have a dialog
Is System of a Down top 5 rock group of all time?
They my top 1
Bob Dylan dropping Ni@@er bombs
Eminem rapping Ni@@er on stage
John Lennon “Women is the Ni@@er of the world”
John Lennon explaining the song
Picking Hypnotize cause I like the cover art better
Steal This Album!
Self Titled
Idek if I can rank them, you could put Toxicity, Steal this Album, Mezmerize and Hypnotize in any order and i'd be fine w it as long as their s/t is in 5th
Also Serj first solo album is one of my all time favorites as well
Dam I put S/T over Steal this album. That's my least fav of theirs outside a handful of songs on it.
I never peeped that album but i loved empty walls Did u fw scars on broadway? Their debut is also a solid album imo
Bob Dylan dropping Ni@@er bombs
!https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uzTVgfvZanc&pp=ygUQQm9iIGR5bGFuIG5pZ2dlcg%3D%3DEminem rapping Ni@@er on stage
!https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EvUMMHPYMCAJohn Lennon “Women is the Ni@@er of the world”
!https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=j5RuCEhHcG4&pp=ygUSSm9obiBsZW5ub24gbmlnZ2VyJohn Lennon explaining the song
!https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iYjEz441I4M&pp=ygUSSm9obiBsZW5ub24gbmlnZ2VyEm didn't say the hard R lmao
He's doing Royce's backing vocals for breath control
He did the same at Up In Smoke tour
Dam I put S/T over Steal this album. That's my least fav of theirs outside a handful of songs on it.
I never peeped that album but i loved empty walls Did u fw scars on broadway? Their debut is also a solid album imo
Dont get me wrong I love S/T too it's just the only one I can definitively say isn't my favorite. I think I just like the more melodic stuff these days which is probably why S/T is so low and STA is so high lol.
Definitely check out the rest of Elect the Dead, although Imo it probably hasn't aged as well as the SOAD discog though so i might just be nostalgizing since I was really really into it when it came out. And yeah lmao I actually used to listen to Scars on Broadway a lot but I totally forgot about it until you just mentioned it somehow. I used to play tf out of 3005 and They Say on Rock Band 2 lmao
Dam I put S/T over Steal this album. That's my least fav of theirs outside a handful of songs on it.
I never peeped that album but i loved empty walls Did u fw scars on broadway? Their debut is also a solid album imo
For me it’s
Self titled
Steak this album
Scars on broadway
For me it’s
Self titled
Steak this album
Scars on broadway
I can see a world where hypnotize is last not Mezmerize tho
real for SoB
I’m mad this goes hard 😂
this shouldnt be funny
the crowd going wild