We are going to have a dialog
Is System of a Down top 5 rock group of all time?
They’re not even the best band where a non-black singer used the n-word in a song.
They’re not even the best band where a non-black singer used the n-word in a song.
They're the only ones I know but i'm sure there's a lot lol
Very suspect people in the genre at points
Yeah I just started listening to it after I posted that
Its going hard fr
pls tell us what you think of the album after youve finished listening
pls tell us what you think of the album after youve finished listening
I ended up having to stop midway through Toxicity to do something but it was f***ing awesome fr, intro was great. Imma dive in more tomorrow finish that album and try another one
We are going to have a dialog
Is System of a Down top 5 rock group of all time?
next to RATM, deftones, metallica, and black sabbath
next to RATM, deftones, metallica, and black sabbath
One of those bands doesn’t belong up there
So it’s wrong for a brown person to say the N word but when a bunch of white guys cover a beach boys song and change the chorus to bomb bomb Iran they get radio play, royalties and their song sang by McCain in Vietnam and at congress?
Remember Tyler gave some punk band the pass to sing Radicals
trash talk I’m assuming
Bob Dylan dropping Ni@@er bombs
!https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uzTVgfvZanc&pp=ygUQQm9iIGR5bGFuIG5pZ2dlcg%3D%3DEminem rapping Ni@@er on stage
!https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EvUMMHPYMCAJohn Lennon “Women is the Ni@@er of the world”
!https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=j5RuCEhHcG4&pp=ygUSSm9obiBsZW5ub24gbmlnZ2VyJohn Lennon explaining the song
!https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iYjEz441I4M&pp=ygUSSm9obiBsZW5ub24gbmlnZ2Vythe lennon interview is so crazy
because I'm listening to it right now, alright? it's not a phase mom. close my f***ing door
its so funny seeing this as a ktt thread with outrage because I've been listening to it for years