Its clear the man is just as passionate if not MORE passionate about the album more than sza is ! This is an artist in his artist state
Sza runs around on every platform she can speaking like and posting like a moody teenager at 35 years of age
Only an unemployed bum wouldn’t see anything wrong with this
S*** I feel overworked at my job too and I’m running around tryna push my own business but I’m not condoning engineers being overworked tho I feel for him.
I don’t think this deserves to be a SZA hate thread because an artist and their team were putting finishing touches ona project and had some long nights in the studio. I’m sure during the recording of alot of your favorite projects and songs it was the same situation.
Niggas record it edit into their vlogs and docs and people get inspired by those clips. Reality is f***ed up, but we didn’t need a thread of niggas b****ing about it a post.
That’s not true at all the artist and the engineer are both f***ed by execs, but Michael Uzowuru is definitely not making a working class wage
Michael Uzowuru Is not making working class money, but he is not making no way near the money SZA makes, or gaining anyway near the rewards she does from the album.
I have been in the industry and artists pushes you to over work and in the early days to work for free, talking about they also don’t make money, but they own their brand and can exchange it for money if success is reached, the crew around them can’t, and can be replaced by the snap of a finger and be on their ass.
She bad so she gets a pass 💯