I don’t get why that tweet led to this much discourse. He said nothing wrong.
Hip Hop artists taking to other platforms helps them, as individual artists, market themselves to a wider audience. It’s not deeper than that.
Read the discourse
Because MR "Im who the Culture is feeling" snubbed BET Awards and ran to a white womens magazine for his first interview.
He'a a fake and a fraud and his boys are spiraling trying to make sxcuses
F*** BET it’s owned under Viacom by whites
They living too vicariously through their favorite rappers
These guys are millionaires, who only thinkin bout they bread not yall
Kendrick been envious of Ddake since Wayne picked Drake instead of him - thought we all
knew this?
No, he isn't. Kendrick isn't helping or expanding hip-hop in any way by running to a women's magazine that primarily targets white women for his first interview in years and after the biggest rap battle of all time. If Drake did that, y'all would have his head on a spike.
Is Drake ? When he does the same
all this. even ray charles can see the play
Because he knows black people want to unpack some of that
Cowardly s***
Before tpab was beautiful because he was an artist who touched on politics but tpab made it many can’t think for themselves
I don’t get why that tweet led to this much discourse. He said nothing wrong.
Hip Hop artists taking to other platforms helps them, as individual artists, market themselves to a wider audience. It’s not deeper than that.
A lot of Drake stans letting their anger out, when Drake and Kendrick are both guilty of not going on black platforms anymore lol
There is a constructive conversation to be had about this situation but I don't think they are capable of anything like that