Youre a whoooole b**** man f*** you
killed the whole vibe of this thread
If you go out just kno ill always remember this post
Say what you will about the man, but his first song back is gonna do CRAZY numbers
How long till South Park Mexican gets out??? Him and tekashi could do a collab album or something
Say what you will about the man, but his first song back is gonna do CRAZY numbers
Yeah if you can't count to 12 like most his fans
He's been trolling since the site came out bro. Just block him and move on. He literally doesn't mean anything he says just does it for a laugh. I agree what he said is f***ed up but he ain't gonna change just cause you called him out on it
Bro I promise I’m reading every post you make in Flynn voice
I-I was about to m-m-make the same post LMAOO
Youre a whoooole b**** man f*** you
killed the whole vibe of this thread
Holy f*** in still crying at this
I'm pretty sure you suck d*** too
Don't forget to pack a lunch for school tomorrow!
im just f***in around. it wasn't all that bad. just didn't live up to the hype for me.
man just shut the hell up then dweeb