ive never pretended to be something im not, on ktt or irl
ok dude literally no one cares
Y'all niggas really supporting a pedo
cant wait till 6ix9ine is free and dudes are f***ing crying like little b****es, “WAAAAH B-B-BUT HE SNITCHED!! HE AIN’t REAL!!!”
cant wait till 6ix9ine is free and dudes are f***ing crying like little b****es, “WAAAAH B-B-BUT HE SNITCHED!! HE AIN’t REAL!!!”
The Avi fits you very well
cant wait till 6ix9ine is free and dudes are f***ing crying like little b****es, “WAAAAH B-B-BUT HE SNITCHED!! HE AIN’t REAL!!!”
What that gotta do with him being a pedo
man said “i aint never pretended to be anything im not on ktt or real life” like literally anyone gives a f*** enough to follow you around and make sure
man said “i aint never pretended to be anything im not on ktt or real life” like literally anyone gives a f*** enough to follow you around and make sure
bro you just dug up a post from 40 minutes ago. what are you even talking about. you need to take a look at yourself
bro you just dug up a post from 40 minutes ago. what are you even talking about. you need to take a look at yourself
yeah cause i just got out of the gym dumb f***
What that gotta do with him being a pedo
man YOU’RE a pedo idek why im talking to you white boy
man YOU’RE a pedo idek why im talking to you white boy
Deflection game too strong