That's unfortunate but no one owes you or your family anything; nor is it the local governments responsibility to support you during trying times like this! Sink or swim, it’s your choice! The City and County, along with power providers or any other service owes you NOTHING! I’m sick and tired of people looking for a damn hand out! If you don’t have electricity you step up and come up with a game plan to keep your family warm and safe. If you have no water you deal with out and think outside of the box to survive and supply water to your family. If you were sitting at home in the cold because you have no power and are sitting there waiting for someone to come rescue you because your lazy is direct result of your raising! Only the strong will survive and the week will perish. Folks, God Has given us the tools to support ourselves in times like this. This is sadly a product of a socialist government where they feed people to believe that the FEW work and others will become dependent for handouts. Am I sorry that you have been dealing without electricity and water; yes! But I’ll be damned if I’m going to provide for anyone that is capable of doing it themselves! We have lost sight of those in need and those that take advantage of the system and mesh them into one group!! Bottom line, quit crying and looking for a handout! Get off your ass and take care of your own family!
No. I don't know why that would make my opinion invalid though. It's pretty well known that you need to be exposed to bacteria/virus/etc in order to strengthen your immune system, hence vaccines.
I'm interested how you came to the conclusion that herd immunity with coronavirus would be better than people staying inside, especially if you have no experience in the medical field or research done
Im not the most well read on the checks and balances of the presidency but did he not say verbatim if he has to lock down the nation to get rid of the virus thats what he was gonna do?
Lock this s*** for a solid 90-120 days so we can at least have July-August and then a regular fall/holiday season. No half ass s***, lock everything down and send people checks to stay home outside of groceries, gas, takeout food and direct destinations. No clubs, lounges or events.
But i guess thats kinda on the state leadership
The problem is outside of the dumb niggas in this thread, im not mad at texas/Mississippi or ppl irl that are tryna live again.
Other countries would and are doing what you just said. But it’s been 2 months and WE still dont got our one time 2,00....i mean $1,400 checks yet.
America’s government has to take the blame for all of this.
He dont know masks prevent more than just covid.
I been living in crowded ass nyc for 3 years and this past February made it a whole 1st full year I lived in without ever getting sick once.
And i was outside in crowded parks during dates last summer and rode trains with crowded ppl (cause nyc aint been enforcing s*** since last march.)
Wearing a mask inside huge crowded places had a lot to do with that.
Fr, I didn't get sick once in the past year. I'm probably still gonna use masks after everything cools down like they do in Asia. Feel like it should be normalized here to wear masks at least when u sick or sum
“We legit have never worn masks and everything was fine cus thats what your immune system is for.“
The flu kills an exorbant amount of people every year you dumbass nigga.
Bro people will always get and die of the flu, it will never go away. The way your talking, we should never allow anyone to sit down and eat anywhere because they might be sick. Its absolutely ridiculous. I will agree that if your sick, you should wear a mask, and that should be commonplace. But if your not sick who gives af that's living in fear
I'm interested how you came to the conclusion that herd immunity with coronavirus would be better than people staying inside, especially if you have no experience in the medical field or research done
It's simple. I want to live my life.
corona will always be here now, we cant eradicate it. So if I wanna go to the club and risk getting it, thats my own choice, and I should have the right to do so.
It's simple. I want to live my life.
corona will always be here now, we cant eradicate it. So if I wanna go to the club and risk getting it, thats my own choice, and I should have the right to do so.
K that doesn't confirm anything you said as being true though.
You said preventing people from getting infected will cause more deaths and illness. How. I'm not understanding this claim you just dropped out of nowhere and can't back it up.
It's simple. I want to live my life.
corona will always be here now, we cant eradicate it. So if I wanna go to the club and risk getting it, thats my own choice, and I should have the right to do so.
are you f***ed in the head
Wearing a mask is submitting to the liberal agenda of fascism to take away your rights and guns. First they ban you on twitter, then they put a mask on your face.
K that doesn't confirm anything you said as being true though.
You said preventing people from getting infected will cause more deaths and illness. How. I'm not understanding this claim you just dropped out of nowhere and can't back it up.
Oh that. Yes bro, Ive seen multiple medical experts, Dr. Phil (tho that bald ass dude don't mean s*** to me but he might to you) have said once we stop wearing masks people will get sick easier, due to staying inside and letting their immune system get weak. They have had nothing but their own germs for months, so imagine how hard it is on the body going back. the longer we wait the worse it gets
are you f***ed in the head
No, I'm awake brother. You can wake up from the fear mongering too
Oh that. Yes bro, Ive seen multiple medical experts, Dr. Phil (tho that bald ass dude don't mean s*** to me but he might to you) have said once we stop wearing masks people will get sick easier, due to staying inside and letting their immune system get weak. They have had nothing but their own germs for months, so imagine how hard it is on the body going back. the longer we wait the worse it gets
this is a troll right
No, I'm awake brother. You can wake up from the fear mongering too
You need to seek help
Calling someone you don't know "brother" is like the most crimson of red flags
Im not trolling, these are my honest opinions. I appreciate the convo and non-hostility tho I get that it sounds wild. It's just genuinely how I feel from my life experiences. F*** masks, f*** all this regulation BS, open the clubs back up and let people go out if it's their choice! don't make it for them. If your scared, stay inside
Im not trolling, these are my honest opinions. I appreciate the convo and non-hostility tho I get that it sounds wild. It's just genuinely how I feel from my life experiences. F*** masks, f*** all this regulation BS, open the clubs back up and let people go out if it's their choice! don't make it for them. If your scared, stay inside
Your honest opinions are complete s*** and if you thought critically about them for even a minute you would see the issue.
Your honest opinions are complete s*** and if you thought critically about them for even a minute you would see the issue.
Ill leave you with yours and you leave me with mine.