@GoldenChild gonna become sick like suge knight did when he went to prison
Some of you want to live 2020 lifestyle
Maybe you don’t have really have a life outside of your own house
But that’s not the majority of people.
Right but it’s been a year now. I’m not even one of these “two weeks” mofos, but you really have to ask yourself how realistic do you think a person can avoid outside social activities? A few months is one thing, but over a year? Human beings have breaking points and “probably Christmas but we’re not certain” is pretty unacceptable for even the millions of people who have been complaint this long
Bro I said no clubbing with your mask off. How does that mean avoid outside social activities
There are many things you can do with social distancing and a mask on and follow proper protocols until more people are vaccinated
The thing is they can go clubbing! It's just they don't want to wear a mask. In Maryland, Baltimore damn near scaled back it's restrictions. It's still capacity restrictions on restaurants and clubs and mask rquirements inside lounges. Just wear a mask it's not that hard. I went to a bar last week and they had everyone spaced out.
Every small business in California is open. Some have even sat me inside when they shouldn’t have.
The police over here said they weren’t gonna be fining small business over this back when the second lockdown happened in November.
Small Business is fine.
Small business is NOT fine
Newsom opened restaurants just to shut outdoor dining down after some restaurants had just spent 20K on outdoor accommodations
Stop talking about s*** you have no clue about.
Small business is NOT fine
Newsom opened restaurants just to shut outdoor dining down after some restaurants had just spent 20K on outdoor accommodations
Stop talking about s*** you have no clue about.
Link? Or are just talking about one restaurant and assuming it’s all over the Us?
The politicization of this virus has set this country so far back. Now a politician is trying to save his ass because he's facing criticism from the fallout of the winter storm.
Outdoor dining especially during the winter was dumb af and was worst than indoor dining. It's been some small businesses here that was only upset because of the capacity issues and the curfew.
Link? Or are just talking about one restaurant and assuming it’s all over the Us?
he stupid bro
The politicization of this virus has set this country so far back. Now a politician is trying to save his ass because he's facing criticism from the fallout of the winter storm.
we're all gonna f***in die with how much bullshit is going around
Some of you want to live 2020 lifestyle
Maybe you don’t have really have a life outside of your own house
But that’s not the majority of people.
Dudes deadass got lockdown stockholm syndrome
Literally what reason is there to remain in lockdown almost a year later when 70 million ppl in the US have been vaccinated
can i explain a simple concept, the more we take measures to prevent the virus, the less it will spread and the sooner we can go out with no masks and have fun like the old days
also this is not about a lockdown, we just want f***in restrictions
o my gawddd ttheres a mask on my facee my rights are being STIFLED by the COMMUNIST STATES OF JOE BIDEN coroanvirus is a manmade scam by jeff BEZOS to inject bill gates into the water
can i explain a simple concept, the more we take measures to prevent the virus, the less it will spread and the sooner we can go out with no masks and have fun like the old days
also this is not about a lockdown, we just want f***in restrictions
What an idiot lmao
“2 weeks”
Remember they said.
Be a good boy.
Keep listening
Some of you want to live 2020 lifestyle
Maybe you don’t have really have a life outside of your own house
But that’s not the majority of people.
F*** people bruh. I hate commutes in the morning. Go back home. Stay in online school. let me keep my 20 min commute
What an idiot lmao
“2 weeks”
Remember they said.
Be a good boy.
Keep listening
suck my d*** dumbass
Newsom is up to be recalled anyway
He’ll get his karma for his “leadership”
Oh your one of those white people in the beach cities/northern california huh
yeah a lockdown is out of the question for america at this point, if we don't get UBI and good stimulus checks and also it's just spread too much
we are just trying to get f***in people to follow basic ass social distancing/mask rules, so the spread can lessen