2nd beat on The Main Event is crazy
I s*** on Hit-Boy a lot but sometimes his s*** does hit
Huge Alc stan here, I made a thread to shed a little extra light on the EP but not trying to steal this threads shine or anything.
Alc always feeding us, he is so generous
What type of project is it? Are they joint producing the songs?
Alc track 1
Hit-Boy tracks 2 and 3
They both rap on each song
Y'all have fun, I'm sitting this one out.
Why don’t people like Hit Boy I have never understood it
Don’t Be Gone actually good as f***
Al and Hit actually got good chemistry going on that one
Y'all have fun, I'm sitting this one out.
Crazy coming from the OP.
Uncle Al spazzin out on hit boy beats hit diff
Y'all have fun, I'm sitting this one out.
Hit boy had verse of the year last year over an alchemist beat
Would love if Al and Willie work together again
Masterpiece Theatre is a hidden gem in Alc’s discography. It’s really good
Masterpiece Theatre is a hidden gem in Alc’s discography. It’s really good
Alc's output during that time was crazy.
Masterpiece Theatre
Yacht Rock 1
Durag Dynasty
Albert Einstein
My 1st Chemistry Set
All came in a span of like 6 months
alc should absolutely rap more
I’m pretty sure all these verses he been doing is leading up to a full solo project from him