  • Dec 13, 2020
    1 reply

    it's weird. idk how a small artist like her, without any label behind here, could clear all the samples she has on her albums

    like on the last album she sampled lot of famous artists, idk how she could've paid for that

    yeah thats what im wondering. i love sample based music and it makes me sad that sampling just seems to be something that a small artist would never be able to afford.

  • Dec 13, 2020
    1 reply

    yeah thats what im wondering. i love sample based music and it makes me sad that sampling just seems to be something that a small artist would never be able to afford.

    yeah, knowing how expensive it is, i seriously doubt she cleared them lol

    but who knows

  • Dec 13, 2020
    1 reply

    yeah, knowing how expensive it is, i seriously doubt she cleared them lol

    but who knows

    I’ll be sure to ask if but won’t he surprised if she’s not comfortable answering that question

    Charmed makes me so happy

  • Dec 13, 2020
    1 reply
    the end

    I’ll be sure to ask if but won’t he surprised if she’s not comfortable answering that question

    Charmed makes me so happy

    are you interviewing her for a blog or something ?

  • Dec 14, 2020

    are you interviewing her for a blog or something ?

    I’m making a year end list and trying to get interviews more the small artists

    TBD where it gets posted but it’ll be on ktt first

  • Dec 14, 2020
    1 reply

    the voicemail intro trope may be played out BUT

    this one man

  • Dec 14, 2020
    1 reply

    title track probably has to go down as my SOTY.

    Listened to it a stupid amount of times and it still hits me every time. and way more so now in context of the album

  • Dec 14, 2020
    1 reply

    also karen-o reciting the david berman lyrics

    lots of genuinely emotional moments on this album

  • Dec 14, 2020

    tracks 2-4 is a god tier run

  • Dec 14, 2020

    i finally gave this a listen today and goddamn this is amazing might be AOTY

  • Dec 14, 2020
    2 replies

    also karen-o reciting the david berman lyrics

    lots of genuinely emotional moments on this album


  • Dec 14, 2020

    music industry can be so cynical these days. so good to have artists like them that love music more than everything else and are not doing it for the money

    cynicism is the disease of our times tbh. Avalanches are urgently needed 🙏

  • Dec 14, 2020

    the voicemail intro trope may be played out BUT

    this one man

  • Dec 14, 2020

    is that a voicemail from space or was I just imagining things?

  • Dec 14, 2020
    1 reply


    the fact they got siifu on 3 tracks here

  • Dec 14, 2020
    1 reply

    the fact they got siifu on 3 tracks here

    Wouldn't be surprised if they got way more in the vault. They did 8 songs with Tricky but only 2 got on the album

  • Dec 14, 2020

    Wouldn't be surprised if they got way more in the vault. They did 8 songs with Tricky but only 2 got on the album

    they said in an interview they had 500 leftover tracks from the making of Wildflower alone these 20th Anniversary Editions will be wild

  • Dec 14, 2020

    title track probably has to go down as my SOTY.

    Listened to it a stupid amount of times and it still hits me every time. and way more so now in context of the album

    listened to it on repeat back in February... already knew this has major potential based on that track alone.

  • Dec 14, 2020


  • Dec 14, 2020

    one of my fav albums of the year

  • Dec 14, 2020

    I keep wanting to say I love the intro to this album, but then I realize that there's not a single stretch on this album that is anything less than wonderful. It's consistent as f***, might not hit the highs of the previous two albums but it's far more consistent and cohesive than them too. One of the best albums of not just this year, but the last several.

  • Dec 14, 2020
    1 reply

    Yes, all +300 million of us

  • Runnin Lights to Music is The Light might be one of my favorite stretches of music in any album this year

  • rx friendly ghost

    i don't want to spoil this thread w my bullshit but i truly hated the uppity 'check out this new s***!!!' attitude of people coming to gorillaz in the 00s early 2010s when the rap artists on those albums i had tried to present to them many years before they dismissed as trash. these people maybe bought a DOOM op doomsday cookie tin or whatever tf they reissued later on but that was because of the cookie tin and not the music. this is not gatekeeping either, just pure disgust at ignorance of any music before it was alongside -cool- british artists

    and blur suck full stop

    Blur has that one banger song on old madden game tho

  • Dec 14, 2020
    1 reply
    Kid Gorgeous

    Mulaney username
