No they really can’t. TLOP is one of his most popular and beloved albums. Yeezus was well received critically and has proven to be influential a decade later. Outside of ktt Ye was well received
TLOP is my second favorite Kanye album
Wait a second that was a dumb statement, I forgot about mixtapes and s***
Mixtapes are finished work of art
Donda 2 was very obviously a rough demo that he played once and put it on the stem player (not even there anymore), thats it. It never released officially
ye isn't bad but it's just paint-by-numbers Kanye
Ghost Town insane though
edit: and I Thought About Killing You
Take your meds
Nobody in the real world thinks that Yeezus and TLOP are misses. They're classics.
Take your meds
Nobody in the real world thinks that Yeezus and TLOP are misses. They're classics.
ye isn't a miss either
Mixtapes are finished work of art
Donda 2 was very obviously a rough demo that he played once and put it on the stem player (not even there anymore), thats it. It never released officially
Yeah, exactly, what he said
U just hating now lol
yeezus hasnt been considered a miss since the week of its release in 2013, give me a break
has 1 skip and it's also the most popular song on the album so it evidently wasn't being skipped a lot irl
ye isn't a miss either
Ye is only a "miss" for the hardcore stans who wanted a classic after everything that happened in 2016 and his mental health
The album is very loved by the casuals, I always say this. I know a few people who actually don't even listen to Kanye but they have the full ye album in their playlists
The Calendar app costs $1000
I slick get his point. You’re paying $1,000 for access to Apple’s OS which includes those apps and others