  • Apr 11, 2020
    1 reply

    taste is subjective tho

    Cooking techniques, seasoning palettes, variety etc isnt tho

  • Fresh seafood

  • Apr 11, 2020
    2 replies

    Questions for my fellow west africans?

    Why yall think our cooking techniques And palettes seem to be stuck in mid 20th century?

    The reason i struggle w putting our food up there

    Like there are some dishes that are undeniably top tier like a good smoky jollof or spicy suya or a buttery
    meat pie but the rest of our s*** is slightly above avg if were being honest

    And also there is the question of just how every new continent culture that started off cooking with our food has surpassed us

    Like brazilian, puerto rican, jamaican, soul food or just afro american /Caribbean/ afro latin food in general

    Like these mf took our whole flow of beans with rice and plantain that the slaves brought and ran w that s***

    Ive never once seen a nigerian household marinate some chicken with lime mixture or experiment with some alternate forms to cook beans

    We need to catch up and show these latinos/caribbean where they got their sauce from cus rn theyre beating our ass

  • Apr 11, 2020

    Questions for my fellow west africans?

    Why yall think our cooking techniques And palettes seem to be stuck in mid 20th century?

    The reason i struggle w putting our food up there

    Like there are some dishes that are undeniably top tier like a good smoky jollof or spicy suya or a buttery
    meat pie but the rest of our s*** is slightly above avg if were being honest

    And also there is the question of just how every new continent culture that started off cooking with our food has surpassed us

    Like brazilian, puerto rican, jamaican, soul food or just afro american /Caribbean/ afro latin food in general

    Like these mf took our whole flow of beans with rice and plantain that the slaves brought and ran w that s***

    Ive never once seen a nigerian household marinate some chicken with lime mixture or experiment with some alternate forms to cook beans

    We need to catch up and show these latinos/caribbean where they got their sauce from cus rn theyre beating our ass

    Now i think about maybe not fully fair comparison cus the africans that came to the new world w their food were living in multi ethnic places, so they had the benefit of taking the best from indigenous and european food practices

    While west africa food culture wise is relatively homogeneous

  • Apr 11, 2020
    You are welcome

    I will never understand why Koreans are obsessed with their food

    First off it’s all too sweet

    Second of all it’s all weird af

    I mean I enjoy it and they have good dishes and KBBQ can be pretty good but it is probably the worst of all the oriental cuisines

    I personally met more koreans that like other ethnic foods more.

    Just an anecdote, but I have never come across korean food as too sweet.

  • Apr 11, 2020

    Cooking techniques, seasoning palettes, variety etc isnt tho

    How is any of that not subjective lmao? All of what you listed are opinions.

  • Apr 11, 2020

    fam the little cheese bread balls at the Brazil bbq spots

    f***ing amazing

  • PIMP

    im from macedonia bro

    that's also "our" dessert too cause your Ottoman boys were here

    lol Ottoman mans poked their nose in everyones business in europe lol.

  • Apr 11, 2020

    I've never heard a MF say damn some Turkish delight would hit rn but y'all won't stop talking about it

    In Europe definately tho, cause many Turks in most countries

    Maybe not in the USA

  • Apr 11, 2020

    I've never heard a MF say damn some Turkish delight would hit rn but y'all won't stop talking about it

    People are talking about Baklava not Turkish delight lmfao

    anyone whose ever tried bakalva knows it's one best desserts in the world >>>>>

    Best thing Ottomon Empire gave to Arabs and some Europeans

  • Apr 11, 2020

    Lokma always hits

  • Apr 11, 2020

    Soul food
    Jamaican food
    Italian food
    Thai food

    Cholesterol πŸ“ˆπŸ“ˆπŸ“ˆ

  • Apr 11, 2020

    Slavic cuisine >>>>

  • Apr 11, 2020

    Questions for my fellow west africans?

    Why yall think our cooking techniques And palettes seem to be stuck in mid 20th century?

    The reason i struggle w putting our food up there

    Like there are some dishes that are undeniably top tier like a good smoky jollof or spicy suya or a buttery
    meat pie but the rest of our s*** is slightly above avg if were being honest

    And also there is the question of just how every new continent culture that started off cooking with our food has surpassed us

    Like brazilian, puerto rican, jamaican, soul food or just afro american /Caribbean/ afro latin food in general

    Like these mf took our whole flow of beans with rice and plantain that the slaves brought and ran w that s***

    Ive never once seen a nigerian household marinate some chicken with lime mixture or experiment with some alternate forms to cook beans

    We need to catch up and show these latinos/caribbean where they got their sauce from cus rn theyre beating our ass

    We have seen the modern takes from the whites on our food and they come out horrible.

  • Apr 11, 2020

