  • Have any of you read this? I hadn't, I'm 40 pages in and find myself almost weeping. I'll finish it over the next week. She was a brilliant writer, so witty and whimsical. It's hard to believe how young she was to have written these things.

  • Feb 2
    1 reply

    Didnt her dad work on it too?

  • OnceAgain

    Didnt her dad work on it too?

    Here's what Wiki says

    "As reported in The New York Times in 2015, "When Otto Frank first published his daughter's red-checked diary and notebooks, he wrote a prologue assuring readers that the book mostly contained her words".76 Although many Holocaust deniers, such as Robert Faurisson, have claimed that Anne Frank's diary was fabricated, critical and forensic studies of the text and the original manuscript have supported its authenticity.

    The Netherlands Institute for War Documentation commissioned a forensic study of the manuscripts after the death of Otto Frank in 1980. The material composition of the original notebooks and ink, and the handwriting found within them and the loose version were extensively examined. In 1986, the results were published: the handwriting attributed to Anne Frank was positively matched with contemporary samples of Anne Frank's handwriting, and the paper, ink, and glue found in the diaries and loose papers were consistent with materials available in Amsterdam during the period in which the diary was written"

  • Feb 2
    3 replies

    i got in trouble in middle school for saying it wasn't an enjoyable read

  • Feb 2
    1 reply

    i got in trouble in middle school for saying it wasn't an enjoyable read

    you know i can't imagine me or any of my middle school friends would have appreciated this so it seems kind of a waste to include it in curriculum meant for preteen kids. as an adult though, it's beautifully written, charming, at times humorous and haunting. Anne Frank's dream was supposedly to make it as a famous writer, so it's bittersweet that her dream did come true after she was gone. it's just been really easy to empathize with her words

  • Satan

    i got in trouble in middle school for saying it wasn't an enjoyable read

    i mean what kid wants to read another kids diary, i wouldn't have understood its significance that long ago

  • Feb 3
    1 reply
    u ok jay

    you know i can't imagine me or any of my middle school friends would have appreciated this so it seems kind of a waste to include it in curriculum meant for preteen kids. as an adult though, it's beautifully written, charming, at times humorous and haunting. Anne Frank's dream was supposedly to make it as a famous writer, so it's bittersweet that her dream did come true after she was gone. it's just been really easy to empathize with her words

    dont get me wrong, it's a well written, captivating book. it just wasn't enjoyable to read because it was haunting. mfs acted like i said hitler was great or something when i said it tho

  • Feb 6
    1 reply

    dont get me wrong, it's a well written, captivating book. it just wasn't enjoyable to read because it was haunting. mfs acted like i said hitler was great or something when i said it tho

    This reminded of how in 6th grade our class was clowning our Jewish teacher behind his back when he started tearing up reading it to us lmao I feel so bad in retrospect

  • Notmyfirst

    This reminded of how in 6th grade our class was clowning our Jewish teacher behind his back when he started tearing up reading it to us lmao I feel so bad in retrospect

    damn that's sad af

  • Feb 6
    1 reply

    i got in trouble in middle school for saying it wasn't an enjoyable read

    This been having me dying for a few days. Nigga was in 7th period getting treated like a Hitler youth member

  • Feb 6
    1 reply

    This been having me dying for a few days. Nigga was in 7th period getting treated like a Hitler youth member

    s*** was so foul bruh, even my crush was goin in on me

  • bro, i literally just was looking for my copy and found it

    im taking this as a sign to start reading it again, i was on page 89

  • Feb 7
    1 reply

    s*** was so foul bruh, even my crush was goin in on me

    YO the username to post ratio is crazy lmaoooo (sorry fam, you deserved it but I get it lmaoo)

  • kenni nixon

    YO the username to post ratio is crazy lmaoooo (sorry fam, you deserved it but I get it lmaoo)

    s*** makes for a funny story now so i cant be mad at it lol