it's not as simple as working class vs ruling class nowadays
Lot of maga folk pissed at the increase in min wage because they view those who work at restaurants, retail, fast food, etc as lazy and undeserving. They really look down on people fr fr
yall legit so f***ing stupid lmao. I know plenty of people who despise the the rich elites were huge Occupy wallstreet supporters identify as 99%era and STILL s*** on jobs they deem beneath them like Janitorial work, pest control, sewage workers.
Unsightly careers have always been s*** on and mocked and it aint got s*** to do with the rich
Lot of maga folk pissed at the increase in min wage because they view those who work at restaurants, retail, fast food, etc as lazy and undeserving. They really look down on people fr fr
And they're also the ppl who were protesting s*** being closed and demanding those people go to work to "serve" them
"I gotta get a haircut and my nails done waaaaaah"
"If I can't harrass the waitresses in applebees I'm going to have to speak with my WIFE and I WONT DO THAT"
Lot of maga folk pissed at the increase in min wage because they view those who work at restaurants, retail, fast food, etc as lazy and undeserving. They really look down on people fr fr
which is funny because a lot of them also work min wage
replies with a meme to deflect, tragic!
Your point is still invalid little boy
Your point is still invalid little boy
as is your very sheltered concept of socialism
reading about it and posting about it online is very different from living it lil buddy
I don't understand why people are against this. You shouldn't have to be a millionaire to have more access to your time.
as is your very sheltered concept of socialism
reading about it and posting about it online is very different from living it lil buddy
Have you ever lived through socialism?
it's not as simple as working class vs ruling class nowadays
I'd say that the problem with capitalism have always been more than just class antagonism
i agree with the message and all that, but we as a society (at least in america that is) are too far gone to make a real change/ overthrow capitalism so idk what to tell you bruh
it’s also funny to me how you get taxed and penalized just for being poor (prime example being overdraft fees) but that’s another topic
i agree with the message and all that, but we as a society (at least in america that is) are too far gone to make a real change/ overthrow capitalism so idk what to tell you bruh
Capitalism as it is today only started around the 80s if it was that easy to install it should be easy to turn back
Capitalism as it is today only started around the 80s if it was that easy to install it should be easy to turn back
eh id say right now we’re too far gone, everybody in this thread has contributed and boosted capitalism in one way. myself included since im posting this on an iphone xs with my airpods pro in my ears that some 8 year old made in china
eh id say right now we’re too far gone, everybody in this thread has contributed and boosted capitalism in one way. myself included since im posting this on an iphone xs with my airpods pro in my ears that some 8 year old made in china
You could have said the same thing about watching a blockbuster dvd 10 years ago and look where they are now
Things change fast in a capitalist society and when they don’t it’s because powerful people are actively working to prevent it